Background Buzz of Danger: GW

One of the best ways to gain illegitimate control over others is to prepare a massive take-over, then keep everyone busy with more immediate concerns while you keep that major effort out of view. Even better is to hide that massive effort in plain sight.

So it is with the Global Warming scam. The indoctrination is so thorough and so successful, there are otherwise wonderful places on the Net you can visit where daring to suggest GW might not be gospel would get you run out on a virtual rail. For example, mention casually on Slashdot you don’t support the notion of GW, and you’ll see an avalanche of invective, all working on the assumption no one with intelligence could possibly deny this thoroughly founded scientific consensus. Except, consensus means nothing.

I refer you to this very powerful interview by Vox Day with Ian Wishart, regarding the latter’s new book, Air Con: The Seriously Inconvenient Truth About Global Warming.

To achieve emissions cuts at that sort of level will require the equivalent of financially carpet-bombing the industrialized first world back to the Stone Age. And once the UN gets enough countries to agree that agriculture should be included in cap and trade, American farmers will be hit too, because the US administration will already have put the mechanisms in place to recognize the obligations of these international agreements.

If you look at the economic prize at stake, consider this. We currently have gold markets, but you are not forced to buy and sell gold and only a tiny percentage of the community are active in the gold markets. The financial markets are larger, but even then most of us are not forced to buy and sell shares or trade forex, and only a minority of us actually do so. But if carbon trading becomes compulsory worldwide, effectively every single one of us will be forced to buy and sell through this scheme. No one will be able to go through their daily lives without being represented directly or indirectly in the carbon markets. Those who control the carbon markets will effectively control the world.

Nothing I could post today would be half as important as that interview. Yes, it’s long, but it’s so valuable I’m keeping a backup copy in personal electronic storage. For those of you so inclined, maybe you should bring down a little thunder and lightening on your Congressional delegation regarding the Copenhagen treaty conference coming up in December.

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