There Will Be War

If you cared enough to look at all the evidence, from as far back as WW1, GEN Butler (USMC) told us war was a racket. Even our revolutionary war included some hidden profit motives never discussed in mainstream history lessons. In those days, it was more difficult to be sure they’d collect, but these days the corporate war mongers have it nailed down.

We funded the Nazis in Germany. Did you know we funded the Viet Cong during the Viet Nam war? We did so indirectly, via funding we sent to the USSR. And today we are funding the Taliban in Afghanistan. And at least some of the roadside bombs in Iraq are funded by the CIA and other clandestine services. Yes, there are people in this country who would start a war just so they could profit from the massive tax expenditures, and would gladly fund the enemies to make sure the war is long, impossible to win, and verrrrrrry expensive. Most of our dead and wounded troops are that way because of some corporate demon somewhere in the US.

So we shall have war in Iran, too. We have already started in Pakistan, unofficially, as we have in Georgia. Since there is no way we’ll be able to field enough troops for this via volunteer enlistments, you can be sure an awful lot of mercenaries will be used. They already outnumber the official troops in the Middle East. But that, too, will not be enough. Look for more efforts made to make military service a good deal. Look for more efforts to recall people too injured, too mentally ill, too old — just about anyone who has ever served at any time is subject to it. Then, look for a draft.

When your own government is your worst enemy, what do you do?

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