It’s Getting Old Already

So now they are proposing fining anyone who doesn’t pay for health insurance. Another special interest group handed billions on a silver platter. HMOs exist to make a profit, and they do so by finding excuses to deny you medical care for which you pay them to manage. The only health they care about is corporate.

Some folks are warning, claiming to leak information not accessible to the public, about a possible 9-11 with nukes in coming days. We’ve already had the story about man-pack nukes slipped across our border from Mexico. Another fellow recently listed the cities; the nearest to me would in Houston. Sounds like setting us up for a false flag operation.

Scare stories about the Flying Pigs Flu are all over the place. Of course, numbers are exaggerated to ridiculous levels by very shoddy testing, and simply seizing upon anything which might vaguely resemble the symptoms of any flu at all. Draconian measures are being announced here and there for those who know better than believe any of the hype.

The military wants to keep 400,000 troops in the US as backup for police. You know, to keep order and so forth. For now, it’s nothing like that many, but with all the proposals for more troops here and there around the world, we are looking at a total military force addition of 1 million new troops. I don’t think there will be anywhere near that many volunteers, so look for some sort of special recall and draft.

Let’s not forget, the dollar is looking very, very weak and shaky. What happens when suddenly nobody outside the US wants any of them? China is already trying to dump their dollar holdings, and the UN has proposed replacing it with something else.

Can you say “martial law”?

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