Maze of Booby Traps

Take a look around you. When you understand the underlying objective is to find a pretext for martial law, crushing slavery and genocide, nothing surprises you any more.

I’ve asserted in the past I am utterly certain TPTB don’t really care who wins, but would benefit greatly from a new Civil War in the US, and indeed, the whole world. Babylon feeds on war; it’s the most profitable enterprise in human history. Where typical human conflict is not sufficient to start a war, conflict must be created. Paradoxically, the false conflicts are the ones which profit most. Wars based on lies — such as our adventures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and soon Iran — are extremely hard to justify, so the tension is cranked very high to keep the momentum going. The most visceral hatreds are those with no foundation at all.

The new Civil War in the US could come from any number of things. First is the police state. Back when even crooks pretended to some noble internal code, the police forces had only one real target. So TPTB armed and trained a new class of criminals to present some actual threat to cops. With some prompting, the police agencies reacted with appropriate paranoia and hysteria about heavily armed crooks. TPTB even got a few daring raids provoked with robbers wearing body armor which standard police weapons couldn’t penetrate. So we now justify a ton of high-powered weapons, then body armor for cops, but what really mattered was the “everyone is my enemy” mentality of modern policing. Naturally, the most arrogant thugs available are always selected for the job. “You will cower, Citizen, or I will torture you!” Then, we can expect a fresh Ruby Ridge or Waco scenario, both of which were blatantly provoked on fake evidence of crimes, to become more frequent. The term “unaccountable” is simply too weak to describe it.

At the same time, the slow build up of tyranny on the national scale is now bearing fruit. The tools were established under previous, fairly intelligent and willful tyrants, particularly of the Republican stripe. Now we have a whole new generation of “opposition” folks in charge, and these are classic Limousine Liberals. They grew up with Nannies, or believe they should have, and possess not a scintilla of social intelligence beyond the meager experience of their cloistered communist academia. It’s not that Obama and friends don’t care what you and I think. They can’t imagine that we think. So we have all these proposals which don’t simply continue the worst of the Bush regime, but make it all far more evil.

But the Health Care debate, the bailouts, gun laws, increasing warfare abroad, communist activists at home, etc. — it’s all a distraction. These things will surely bring profits, but they are not the main event. The main even will be martial law, which can easily arise from any just resistance to the tyrannies before us. TPTB know what they are doing. They are pushing every button repeatedly, harder and harder, because they deeply desire an armed revolt. They know martial law will fail; they know the goons in government will end up dead or in hiding; they know thousands of police and maybe troops will be killed, along with thousands of civilian resistors and plenty of innocents. TPTB are hoping to see it. It worked so well in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and a hundred other places; it will surely work here. Chaos is more profitable than peace.

We are swept along by events far, far larger than we normally can grasp. The breaking point in many places is already oh so near. What can you do?

Step back and see the bigger picture. Think holistically. In some ways, the die is cast and we cannot escape certain parts of this. A great many will have to decide to grovel or fight, but don’t be fooled into thinking you can escape conflict. Those who grovel will be drafted to fight the resisters. You may find yourself having to choose between the lesser of evils, between one thug regime and another. Polarization is almost certain, though in most cases the difference will be artificial. Appeals to false absolutes will be plentiful. The basic fact remains you will be forced to fight one side or another. But you need not buy the whole package. You can choose to commit only so much as your better understanding permits. Draw your own lines of conscience and conviction. The end of the road on this coming Civil War will probably not come during our lifetime, even if we survive the current conflagrations. This has been in the works for at least a couple of centuries, so it won’t be spent in just a couple of years.

Take a good long, hard look in the mirror of your soul. Don’t allow any of the multiple parties in the coming conflict to borg your soul. It’s all just noise, the standard noise of human existence on a broken plane, a plane which cannot ever be repaired. Don’t get too wrapped up in it. Look beyond to things which manifest here, but don’t come from here. A part of you is rooted there. Feel for those roots.

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