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Monthly Archives: October 2009
Ubuntu Karmic Koala on Inspiron 545 MT
This is the 64-bit version of Ubuntu. There is little point to running down the entire catalogue. Almost everything works Out of the Box® as we have come to expect from Ubuntu. When it doesn’t is when we have something … Continue reading
Biggest Dope Dealer in the World: CIA
It’s easy to confuse things talking about the US Government, as if it were one single thing. It’s not. The federal bureaucracy is multiple governments under a single umbrella, and occasionally competing. I have long said one of the greatest … Continue reading
Posted in globalism
Tagged culture, economics, government, propaganda
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The Interstellar Anthropologist, Part 2: Research
He stared into the darkened ceiling. The concept of “bureaucratic efficiency” had been an oxymoron since the creation of bureaucrats. His request for a separate space to simply sit and think quietly was almost unheard of in that day and … Continue reading
openSUSE 11.2-RC1 64-bit Sound and Flash
Novell has taken the safe path like RHEL, in that they don’t include any controversial codecs and such with the distribution. However, unlike RHEL, Novell actually cripples their bundled media players, so that you have to rebuild them, get someone … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged browsers, computers, linux, suse
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The Search Continues: Testing openSUSE 11.2
Because this machine is so new, I realize it will take awhile for my favorite Linux distro to catch up (CentOS). So I use what does work, and it gives me a chance to review other stuff I might not … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged computers, debian, linux, suse
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Stumbling from One Mess to Another
So we know Obama declared a national emergency over the alleged threat from the Swine Flu. If you review all the various laws and declarations which are linked to this, you could justly say we are one phone call from … Continue reading
Posted in globalism
Tagged culture, government, resistance, survival
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The Interstellar Anthropologist, Part 1: Travel
In the ancient literature, they called it “hyperspace.” Lacking the conceptual tools for discussing the means for spatial displacement which didn’t require actually crossing the space, they came up with a word which missed the point, but was still popularly … Continue reading
Opera Browser 10 Unstable on Linux 64-bit
This happens often enough it seems to be trend. I’m not the only one who experiences this. I found complaints on forums at Ubuntu and other Linux distros, as well as the Opera forums. It appears on all sorts of … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged computers, linux, writing
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Net Justice
God’s justice assumes you’ll do your best to stay out of other peoples’ way, but that their way won’t mean harming you. It’s a never-ending tension and renegotiation. The biggest source of conflict is unrealistic expectations, particularly regarding what God … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged corporations, government, internet, propaganda
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Accidental Conformity
I can give only what I have. Some say I am able to package it nicely, and it is surely a pleasure for me to do the wrapping. But in the end, it’s what’s inside the packaging that counts. It … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged culture, linux, psychology, resistance
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