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Monthly Archives: November 2009
Windows 7 Upgrade
First, be warned: It takes forever, over an hour. That’s about what it took to install Vista in the first place. Naturally I haven’t had much time to play around with it, but I want to note it’s much better … Continue reading
Greed and the Pendulum
The pendulum swings relentlessly. We have seen over the course of history when, coming out of the Slough of Despond, someone manages to rise up and push for what’s right. At least, as far as we can tell. So they … Continue reading
Old Fears, New Fears, Real Dangers
I went to high school in the early 1970s, mostly in Alaska. We had hippies up there, but it was hard to tell them from rural residents who weren’t native. The antiwar stuff was more a matter of fashion for … Continue reading
Posted in globalism
Tagged geography, government, propaganda, survival
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Uncovering Evil Doesn’t Always Stop It
I suppose it’s possible you haven’t heard about the exposé of the climate scientist’s email and documents. In essence, someone scooped up a copy of lots of private email between some climate guys, along with documents and some software code, … Continue reading
Posted in globalism
Tagged government, propaganda, science
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Trail Opening Again
Last year’s trail lay fallow this summer due to the massive infestation of deer ticks. Now that cooler nights have returned, they aren’t so fierce. I went back out over the past few weeks and began clearing afresh. Aside from … Continue reading
Vim for Windows
At first, it was just Cream. I really started liking the extravagant syntax highlighting for my XHTML files. But I never could quite get some of those really off-the-wall keys strokes, even with Cream. Then I spent some time just … Continue reading
Interstellar Anthropologist, Part 7: Not Exactly Eden
Fortis was thinking how the situation resembled a child starting life over with an adult’s awareness. “How badly was the ship damaged?” George grinned. “Should you stay with us long enough, and tolerate the travel, you will get a chance … Continue reading
Posted in fiction
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Sporting the Truth
Why do men love “fantasy leagues” so much? Because it allows them to assert their own human logic over something too variable to explain. We have come to the point we can reduce a player’s entire performance to statistics, as … Continue reading
Elements of Human Nature
[Note: This post has been updated by a later post on a related topic.] The most fundamental characteristic of what defines us as humans is our choices. That is, it’s not what we are, or what we do, but what … Continue reading
Interstellar Anthropologist, Part 6: The Story
Fortis was surprised the tea was so hot, when the cup was simply warm. It looked and felt like ceramic, but was hardly thick enough to explain the insulating effect on his hands. Another question he would ask later. Taking … Continue reading