Vim for Windows

At first, it was just Cream. I really started liking the extravagant syntax highlighting for my XHTML files. But I never could quite get some of those really off-the-wall keys strokes, even with Cream. Then I spent some time just running on the Linux console, and it became just about necessary to run Vim for posting on my blogs. You see, it’s about the only text editor which can be set to soft-wrap on the console.

Finally, I got tired of Linux and started using the Windows which came on my computer from the vendor. But I still needed that really good editor power. So I got Cream again, but it wasn’t quite right. Finally, I decided to “go naked” and run Vim itself.

Now, with Vista 64-bit, it’s sometimes tricky to get stuff working just right. So I decided to try the Google Code project for Vim-Win64. Even better, it’s the very latest release of Vim 7.2.

It took some doing to get things the way I need them. For my text and XHTML files I always set the hard wrap for 72. And I love having spell check on the fly. And automated filetype detection with syntax highlighting. And I got it.

Now all I have to do is keep that cue card handy, because that remains some of the weirdest keystrokes for someone coming from other text editors.

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