Trail Opening Again

Last year’s trail lay fallow this summer due to the massive infestation of deer ticks. Now that cooler nights have returned, they aren’t so fierce. I went back out over the past few weeks and began clearing afresh.

Aside from a couple of trees down across the trail, it was mostly cutting back the sprouts in the woods. Primarily vines and underbrush, it didn’t really take all that long. In the open areas, it was quite arduous, as it meant mowing with a machete. However, I have already gone past where I was forced to stop last year.

This year, instead of following the old grassy draw, I’ll be heading the trail back into the woods on the east side of the draw. This will put it on higher ground. The draw is a natural water course during heavy rains. Thus, we can have the majority of the trail in sloping ground without so much water-logging of the soil.

It’s at least a half-mile I’ll be cutting through the woods, so it may be slow going for awhile. This year I’m making sure it’s plenty wide enough for the bicycle.

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