The Stories Do Not Age Well

It’s getting old already. Several items grab my attention, but I’ve already addressed them extensively. Not that I expect anyone to pay attention to me — sometimes I don’t pay attention to me, either. šŸ˜‰

While I wasn’t fully informed of the bubble effect in real estate six years ago, I did know by then the economy was ready to collapse at any moment. Sure enough, here we are. I’ve already addressed how we should be utterly surprised if anyone in government admits how bad it is. We now have folks like Geithner on the hot seat for covering up information of interest to the public, but nothing will happen to him. It’s all theater, meant to keep the masses in the dark. Accountability does not exist within the government, only on those who are not part of the ruling clique.

I also promised we would see local governments scrambling to maintain the high level of tax income regardless how bad it hurts the governed. So today we learn Oregon has passed laws which will serve to drive out every small business which isn’t making obscene/criminal profits. They are taxing gross receipts, not profits. So if a business is actually losing at the bottom line, this will increase the loss. Naturally, you can be sure there’s some fine print to exempt or offer inducements (targeted tax relief) to really big businesses, but you probably won’t hear about it. Don’t move to Oregon unless you like Old Soviet style socialism, where everyone who isn’t serving in government gets the fair and equal distribution of poverty.

Major religious institutions are taking a hit, too. Those few who build on the assumption they’ll have only what little the Father of Heaven supplies, and start with a budget of zero as the basic operating assumption, will probably do fine. Those which rely too much on the corporate style management of assets and resources will suffer to the point many will simply cease to operate. But this will not prevent them tossing out the most manipulative appeals possible so your misery is increased, and your sense of peace with God is totally removed through false guilt.

But this is entirely consistent with the goals of the national ruling regime. Crush what little remains of citizen liberties and make them fear to the point they are driven to prostitute themselves to the all-powerful state. You aren’t a person with a will, desires and plans; you are a resource, property of the state, and what you may have in your heart means nothing. No, government does not hate you, per se, but simply doesn’t care at all either way. The only way you’ll get much attention at all is to shut you up when you make too much noise. So we now have an official policy that calls for extra-judicial execution of any American anywhere in the world who dares to embarrass the ruling regime. Judges are now saying, while corporations are persons, people who annoy the state are not persons, and there is no such thing as human rights.

And aside from the recent flash of sanity warning policemen about the overuse of tasers, the courts consistently favor the notion you must be utterly obsequious in whatever madness any cop demands for whatever reason suits their whims. You can be sure the police will never be held to the same standards as the rest of us. We are right behind the UK, where you can now be ticketed for simply wiping your nose while driving. And the state can decide you should not get married for whatever reason some half-wit bureaucrat dreams up regardless of written policy, so that any children will have to be de jure illegitimate and the social services can kidnap them. Then they get to rake off fees for the adoption by someone who happens to be wealthy. And don’t you dare suggest as an employer you would like to have hard-working and reliable employees, because that’s discrimination; it might offend the lazy louts who want a paycheck without working. Yes, these actions have been in the news.

When the people who govern your daily lives are not related to you by blood or covenant, you are under occupation by a foreign enemy. This has been true since before written history, and the story of oppression has not changed. It’s old already.

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