Data Mining on You

You should visit Spokeo. Type in your legal name, or the one you use most online. Lots of people are getting the creeps about this.

They don’t dig up the information so much as aggregate what is publicly available, mostly on the Net. They are one of numerous operations doing the same thing. You can discover just how careful you’ve been by how much they have, and how accurate it is.

For example, they say I make around $65K/yr. Ha! That’s more than twice our family income. They don’t list an occupation, which is just as well, because technically I’m retired. They sell this information to advertisers, and it helps to explain the stupid sales calls I get from luxury vendors.

It also explains how certain collectors call our house looking for someone I haven’t seen in a very long time. Don’t even really know where he lives. This certain family member is not the best at settling disputed debts, in spite of having an income closer to what Spokeo thinks I make. According to Spokeo, my wife is “associated” with this person.

Aside from those two glaring anomalies, it appears their information is scant. They are missing part of my mailing address, for example. It’s funny when I consider just how much I am exposed, and what they failed to find. They offer, in some hidden options, ways you can demand they delete your information, but it won’t change much. They are just one of dozens.

What have they got on you?

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