False Flag Plans for US (Updated)

Update: The article I reference here turns out to be a forgery. If you click the link you’ll find that out.

I would like to recommend yet another article: Israel vs the United States and Iran by Dr. Phillip L. Kushner. I want you to note this man is very much anti-Islam, so it’s rather odd he openly admits Israel is wholly likely to pull yet another false flag operation against the US to make an enemy look bad, Iran this time.

The most current plan would be for a known militant Arab anti-Israel group, Hezbollah, to actually deliver an atomic device to the city of New York, or, alternatively, to Washington.

The American Central Intelligence Agency, now seeking to reshape its negative image, would report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation the exact details of the arrival and placement of the bomb.

The actual bomb would be genuine but would have a part that was malfunctioning, thus rendering the weapon impossible to detonate. The Arabs involved in this delivery would have in their number, a Yemeni Jew, such as the ones that instigated the 9/11 Saudi attacks, and this sleeper would carry numerous forged documents “proving” that Tehran was directly behind this planned attack.

Revelation of these documents by the fully-supportive New York Times and Washington Post would immediately swing a significant bulk of the American public behind an immediate attack on Tehran with the purpose of neutralizing its atomic weapons capacity.

This program is now on the table and undercover Israeli agents, posing as top-level Iranian operatives, have located a small group of Hizbollah in Lebanon who would be willing to deliver and prepare this device in New York or, as an alternative, Washington itself. Israeli intelligence feels that the use of Hizbollah personnel would entirely justify their obliterating Hizbollah-controlled territory in southern Lebanon that now house many thousands of long-range surface to surface missiles that could easily reach Tel Aviv and other vital Israeli targets.

He believes it will happen in December this year, which is pretty close to another estimate for November. I don’t buy everything Kushner says, but at least he seems honest in reporting what he believes. If my readers know of any supporting links, I’d love to see them in the comments.

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