Monergism and Coexistence

I’m not planning to go out and get one of those bumper stickers which sports a collection of various religious symbols to spell out the word “coexist.” It’s a little more complicated than that, but it does point us in the right direction.

For Christians, at least, it points back to the old heresy of synergism. It’s the same heresy which corrupts almost the entire range of Western Christianity. As a refugee from evangelical Protestantism I can assure you synergism reigns supreme, and is a primary element behind the war mongering children of Satan who embrace the neocon message. Obviously this means I have no use for Zionists and their Christian allies, which underlines why I say it’s not that simple. It is a religion, and it’s an evil one.

I make no bones about what I see wrong in other religions, but none of them seem interested in attacking me, and I see no point in railing at them endlessly. The issue is not syncretism and pretending it doesn’t matter; it’s tactics. If I’m going to win my world to Christ, it won’t come at the point of a gun backing laws against those other religions. Some of those other religions use that tactic in other places, and that’s part of what makes them false religions. They aren’t interested much in coexistence, either.

Synergism as a Christian heresy is any suggestion God can’t get the job done without us, or even that He won’t. Monergism is the term for the correct theology. This is the recognition God has been at this long before there was any organized religion or written revelation. His revelation bluntly says, and quite often, those of us who embrace it are merely along for the ride. We are blessed beyond words He has any interest in us at all, given we are all universally unfit from birth. Monergists take the theology of the Fall very seriously, and God does not hire out His divine power to co-redemptors, as none are qualified. Nor are they qualified after He breathes life into their spirits.

We aren’t adopted into Christ because He needs us, but simply wants us. The big problem starts with this false assumption the revelation of God somehow requires our help. Even worse, it assumes anyone on earth is capable of making the choice, when Paul says in no uncertain terms we cannot (take a look at Romans). Dead in our sins, we cannot even want righteousness. Spiritual birth is a divine miracle, not some logical choice. It’s demands are utterly illogical, based on claims which no one can prove, not even partially. Being a Christian is not a reasonable choice.

It follows there is most certainly no reasonable basis for pretending I know when and under what terms anyone else receives their own spiritual awakening. The only thing I can do with my logic and reason is organize how I’ll comply with divine decisions made before I was born. Evangelism is not persuasion; persuasion comes only after the spirit is born. The Persuasion part is for people to get their lifetime of rational and emotional habits out the way, and embrace those eternal mandates. I cannot teach something for which there are no words; “propositional truth” is blasphemy. God is truth, the whole substance and essence of truth is a living being.

Doing the right thing is letting other people pursue their own convictions until they bump up against something God says I must protect, and no part of politics and human accomplishment is included in that. If His Word is truth, I don’t have to enforce it. I don’t have to make rules and laws to protect my narrative from insults, arguments, debate or ignorance. The truth of God is written into the very fabric of the cosmos, and the least effort on my part to simply live that truth makes Him blazingly obvious. But since it requires His hand to open the reception channels in every case, in every human, there is nothing much to protect on this plane beyond the safety of a few God has called me to watch over.

Since God knows better than I how every apparent threat to those lives is currently centered in my own government, and not a single credible threat exists except those secretly or openly provided by that government, it would be spitting in His face to join the hordes committing murder around the world in the service of that same government. Anyone who suggests it is my duty to fight imaginary threats is speaking for Satan.

Where I stand today is not threatened by any other religious group except the allied Zionist camps. If there is anyone to likely to encroach on my duty to God, it is they. A mixed collection of atheists, Muslims, pagans, Hindus, Buddhists, and all the rest are not a problem. To the degree what they promote is false, God is more than adequate to handle it. He does not call people to perform proxy warfare on a human level for Him since His Son came to earth. Our battle is escaping this world, not fixing it. In the process of escaping it, we have to fight through our own tendencies to cling to it, even while we have to face a hostile world trying to keep us imprisoned in madness. All of this requires miraculous intervention from God, not laws and weapons of the flesh.

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