Recommended Reading: Chris Floyd

It is not possible, nor desirable, to find another writer who thinks exactly as I do on all things. Better I should seek those who write about stuff I need to read, whose work draws and calls to me from the that same higher plane where Christ dwells.

I’m not going to pretend Chris Floyd is a spiritual mystic such as myself, since I can’t really know that. Chris is whatever he is, and I am what I am, but I’ll tell you his blog is more important than mine. Not because other people say so, but because I say so. If you have time for only one good read, see his blog first.

I especially recommend his most recent post: Obama’s Finest Hour: Killing Innocent People For “Made-Up Crap”. He gets it.

I don’t do blogrolling here, but if I did, his would be one of the first links. And his music is pretty good, too.

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