Don’t Be Fooled by False Justice

Don’t be a fool. Justin Raimondo notes we once had a powerful antiwar movement, but it was fake. It was a partisan scam, because now that Obama is in office, you don’t hear a peep about the same wars being expanded, and new ones planned. We once had a powerful conservative movement, but they kept promoting and electing empty suits who not only failed to keep their promises, but did worse than those they demagogued. In other words, our system is so utterly broken it seems precious few actually realize it.

You think there was vote fraud to put Bush Jr. in office? Yes, and it’s now being used to keep Obama in office. Go ahead and research electronic votes being reset in recent news articles. Then let me tell you again: Don’t be a fool. The system has no intention of doing the right thing. Ever.

The only justice you can actually get is over things you control. As a professional historian and former teacher of History, I can tell you straight up the US Constitution was meant to fail. It was designed with lots of loopholes so the plutocrats could pervert it. The Constitution is not about justice, but control. The so-called Federalist Papers were cynical lying propaganda, and the authors knew it. It was meant to be a vehicle for suckering an entire nation into believing the lies even while the plutocrats gained ever more control. It has served that purpose well.

Think the Founding Fathers were fine men? Most of them were frauds. Here’s an example: Shays’ Rebellion. In essence, the system invited corruption. Land speculators bought rights to properties they never ever saw. The laws protected them, because the folks in control were part of the game. Speculators sold the properties under terms they knew would not be repaid most of the time. It was set up intentionally to milk the buyers for all the speculators could get from them, then repossess the property to sell to another sucker. The judges carefully appointed by the same class of tyrants were going along with it, so the folks on the losing end became violent. The deck was stacked against them, and they formed a rebellion. It was mostly just; the only justice they could get. Washington led troops against them knowing it was all a fraud. He was a major figure among the frauds; there were precious few heroes.

These men were all moved by the same Classical Western cultural assumptions which produced the Talmud Jesus called “traditions of men” — an excuse to defraud, rob and oppress the lower classes. When we speak of the Pharisees, we refer to Hellenism, which is simply Classical Greek philosophy, the heritage of Aristotle. Christian Mysticism is a conscious rejection of that brand of false epistemology. We embrace the ancient mysticism woven into the very warp and woof of biblical society. Yep, Aristotle will help you well with things you can see and touch, the mere mechanics, but won’t give you a clue about the moral order of Creation. You need the mystical epistemology of the Bible.

So if you want any justice, it requires you make it yourself. Not by taking up arms and overthrowing the current ruling regime; the very nature of such a thing would simply allow some other tyrant class to gain control. You and I doing justice will refuse to do what it takes to gain such control, because justice by it’s very nature — that moral order of Creation — means you don’t permit such control. You don’t permit concentrations of wealth and power, because that becomes the double-edged sword of injustice.

The Laws of God are written into the very fabric of the Cosmos. Defy them and all Hell breaks loose, though it does take awhile. God does not operate on our time scale. He doesn’t always grant you a tomorrow, only right now. Do justice in your own life, in your own household. That is the only place God intended you to exercise authority of that sort. Don’t have leverage to keep government out of your life? Stay the course; do justice and let God handle the things not in your hands. Just make sure you do what you know the Spirit requires of you for justice.

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One Response to Don’t Be Fooled by False Justice

  1. soma says:

    When we are silent God speaks.

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