Controlled Opposition

It’s an established label: “controlled opposition.” While not exactly the old Hegelian Dialectic, it is equally sinister. How can you tell when one of your favorite sources of news and commentary is actually a fake? How do you know when someone is trying to play you for a sucker to keep you in line with the program of TPTB?

It’s more than simply how they present things. Drama, hyperbole, and a flaky presentation are nothing more than ways of entertaining you. Pay attention to the content. Some of the most stable and respectable people are subtly inserting biases to make a fool of you.

I’ve already noted how Republicans and Democrats are two edges of the same big government sword. It won’t matter which way you get sliced, your life will be diced up and fed to the Beast. There are hundreds of little side shows by various news sources, each with their own peculiar flavor, all defying easy classification. Each of them also exhibits a singular flaw which marks them not as simply misguided on some issues, but a plant, a hired liar to keep you in line.

The rabble rousing of Alex Jones, for example, is to sucker the underground patriot freedom movement. In the end, he defends Israel, our real national government and our biggest enemy at the same time. So you can easily see how he seeks to contain the argument to things which aren’t real threats to anyone. Pay no attention to the idiot behind that microphone, nor any other blanket supporter of Israel.

Max Keiser yells about the evil greedy bankers of Wall Street, then talks about how they also just happen to ignore global warming. So Keiser is a warmist propaganda liar. Entertaining he may be, and the image of sponsorship by Russia makes it seem somehow respectable mainstream opposition to our government — who doesn’t see the evil in the current administration? But to support global warming shows not simply poor judgment, but willful manipulation. A similar link discounts Blacklisted News and Citizens for Legitimate Government.

Besides, I note a great many sites serving as the voice of controlled opposition always support some filthy immorality or another. Not just selling sexual perversion, but any attempt to draw the eye through sexual attraction. And while sexual immorality is a major marker, there are all sorts of subtle signals in the advertising which marks a site as dependent on sin: fear, greed, anger, etc. There are a host of issues which should serve to mark someone as questionable. Not in the sense they can’t tell the truth; even Satan uses truth as a weapon in his lies. It’s how the truth is shaded, packaged, and what comes with it.

You don’t have to fully embrace the 9-11 Truther movement realize there are valid questions about the official story, which story is presented by the same people who have lied to us every time it suits their agenda to maintain oppressive control. But when someone attacks any such valid questions, they mark themselves as a shill, such as Wikileaks’ Julian Assange. Everything else they say and do is suspect. And we should by now see even on a baldly rational basis Climate Change Science is not science, but pure propaganda politics, and the Carbon Trading market is just another scam. There are other signals you can recognize as the marks of controlled opposition.

I don’t have a problem with people promoting other philosophical assumptions or religions so long as they don’t become an excuse for some political agenda. Zionism is politics with a religious fervor. Feel-good globalism is a cover for tyranny, because there is no chance they will embrace God’s ideals for government. They are essentially socialist-communist liars seeking total control over every detail of your existence. But they are close allies with the fascist faux capitalists who want money to control government without getting their hands dirty. The question is not what flavor of government, but government itself. When they say any form of the word “govern” it always means tyranny.

God says no one has any business managing any part of your daily life who isn’t related by blood or covenant. A constitution is not a covenant, but a social contract. It is devoid of life and meaning, and is always a mere excuse to take things from people, just as with any contract. Oddly, God often holds people accountable to constitutions they swear “before God” when they meant the whole time to ignore it. Still, a covenant is a matter of persons, personal relations committing themselves to each other’s welfare in a necessarily open-ended fashion. It implies one will do whatever they have power to do in fulfilling a very personal commitment. No government in this world operates on those terms.

However, if our social order assumed family controls and extended family structures, we would have something God had known all along would be the the best way to run the world. His Laws and commandments always presuppose such a social structure, and every government is required to build on that. I note significantly Jesus pointed out how “family” need not be blood kin, but that spiritual kinship trumps it. What matters is how things get done, as if it were a traditional shared DNA group.

Any story sold by any public crier in the square competing for attention must align with the story God tells. Anything which detracts from the family primacy and solidarity is automatically a lie of Satan. The thing which binds together all those lying controlled opposition folks is an attack on God’s divine order. Being deceived about spiritual matters we expect, but not when it comes to the mundane mechanics of how to run this world. Nor should we expect to define a precise list of do and don’t requirements, because despite appearances to our perverted Western minds, God didn’t communicate that way.

God’s revelation to us cannot possibly be rendered in terms of mere knowledge, logic, nor even good wisdom. It is a living, breathing interaction with a Person. The mystic places the mind at the service of the spirit-Spirit union, where God speaks to the mind, commanding it via the will. When something indefinable within us balks at logic, and it does not arise from any human lust, we must take that as the voice of God. It remains for our minds to organize how to obey.

Writers and speakers who tend to approach God’s justice are worthy of a reading eye and listening ear. Those who simply sound like it up to that crucial moment of departure are not necessarily paid liars, since the world is filled with useful idiots serving Satan unknowingly. Rather, you know you can’t trust them, since whether they are idiots of willful liars makes little difference in their message.

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