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Monthly Archives: May 2011
Just You and Me
The most important events on earth are always between individuals. When measured by cosmic morality, the only thing that matters is two souls reaching out in communion. Not only are no two of alike in God’s eyes, but we cannot … Continue reading
Posted in sanity, social sciences
Tagged culture, peace, propaganda, psychology
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Gang Aft Agley
In God’s eyes, no one is more than a mouse in the house. I sincerely hope we don’t have US troops invading Iran. I really don’t like the idea of slaughtering humans in mass quantities, but I am utterly convinced … Continue reading
Posted in globalism, social sciences
Tagged government, oppression, propaganda, war
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Stating the Obvious: Satan Hates People
The entire mission of Satan is dehumanizing people. You don’t have to believe in a literal Satan to understand how that name represents the collective evil consciousness within the human race. We see his hand prints throughout history. Today we … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged culture, peace, psychology, scripture
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No Surprises for Dominque Strauss-Kahn
Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) is probably one of the few people completely unsurprised by what’s happening to him right now. First, let me refer you to an excellent analysis of the DSK case. So far, this is the best one I’ve … Continue reading
Taming False Instincts
We can’t afford to do simply what comes naturally in dealing with our fellow humans. Think about it: If we did what comes naturally, none of us would be potty trained. We know from vast human experience people can be … Continue reading
On the Folly of Protests
Engaging in activism and public protest serves only to tag you as a troublemaker. Most people don’t get it. Our cultural background in Western Democracy pretends it is noble to make an ugly noise when the government ignores the will … Continue reading
Posted in sanity, social sciences
Tagged culture, government, oppression, propaganda, resistance
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This Is Not the Year of the Linux Desktop
I’m writing this from my Linux box, and once again, there is always something broken. Don’t tell me your distro is the best, that if only everyone else would get behind it, Linux could overtake Windows or whatever else is … Continue reading
The New Debt Feudalism
Proper Ancient Near Eastern feudalism was not about real estate or real assets; those things were secondary. The ultimate value was in the people, the retainers and servants who could turn sand and rock into crops and structures. Western feudalism … Continue reading
Dark Vision: How America Will End
This is an intuition, not a prophecy: Keep your eye on the government budget issues in the US, both federal and state. Whatever else happens will simply aggravate and distract, but this will be the key to what destroys America, … Continue reading
Effect Is Intent
When you back off and see things from a wider perspective, very often the effect of certain actions is the key to intent. This seemed to call for a second post today. One of the few justifications for a video … Continue reading