Preparing for Persecution

For those who share any significant portion of my religious beliefs: Prepare for persecution.

While I can’t tell you much about the author, this article is a fairly balanced and accurate assessment of a rising faction within the West, but most particularly in the U.S. A smattering of labels are applied to it, depending on the place you stand when viewing it: Dispensationalists, Christian Zionists, militant evangelicals, etc. As I have often said, the Judaizers won long ago, and Western Christianity is enslaved to the paranoia that demands changes here in the Shadowlands. Of all the identifiable pressure groups in the world, this is probably the single greatest threat I face as a Christian Mystic. It’s not so much the people themselves, nor specifically their beliefs, but the effects of their zealous warmongering and all that comes with it.

Not long ago, I offered a warning to my politically and socially liberal friends. Partisan politics is a volatile charade meant to distract the sheeple. The pendulum swing currently favors Democrats in many ways, though they refuse to admit it. Both sides always imagine themselves under siege, even when they actually dominate. I predicted the Progressives would push too far on something and the pendulum will swing the other way soon. When it does, in some locales a reactionary force will arise and literally threaten the life and safety of those they blame for whatever bad situation they consider to be so intolerable (like the fallout from Obamacare, for example). When Progressives are the reaction, they use government agents and institutions to oppress (like the IRS), while Conservative elements use populist tools and non-government actors. Need we note which side is loaded with gun-toting advocates of the Second Amendment? In some locales, bloodshed seems likely as things escalate.

It’s not that Conservatives don’t use government force, too, but their leverage is currently in the military and similar institutions that ostensibly act outside the U.S. The linked article notes a powerful trend in the military as an identifiable society. We could allege all sorts of reasons why the current administration is so reluctant to unchain the military, but it seems to make more sense to me if we see it mostly as partisan posturing. The great bird of prey has two wings and the flight plan never changes. Those of us who do our best to escape the matrix and think outside the dominant channels aren’t being ignored, but we aren’t regarded as significant threats. Instead, we are a convenient part of the collateral damage.

As always, I refuse to participate in the ongoing deception. No political element represents my interests or my opinions; no organized religion wants anything to do with me. I’m not feeling particularly lonely or oppressed, but I do expect to face a great deal of human resistance as I make my way through the mission to which my Heavenly Father has called me. To the degree you share my ideas, dear readers, so you will likely face opposition almost anywhere in the world. We do not lend ourselves to the manipulations of the plutocrats. At some point it is inevitable that our human existence will cross into the line of fire. We accept that as our normal.

The New Testament pointedly says we should welcome this as a privilege of Kingdom Service.

Clarification: I am most threatened by Conservatives because they refuse to acknowledge my dissent, and I’ll be crushed for insufficient enthusiasm for their cause. The threat is broadly institutional as they have consciously infiltrated every institution where they could find a foothold. They are opportunistic and grab each moment that falls their way. From Progressives the greater danger is their visceral hatred for my failure to embrace their fundamental assumptions, but they tend as a whole to be less activist unless they really do hold all the cards. Progressives are much more cowardly about persecution. These observations are a matter of current trends, not so much historical.

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2 Responses to Preparing for Persecution

  1. Christine says:

    Interestingly, here in Canada it’s the refusal to “take advantage” of free “health care” that can get a person in hot water. I started getting reminders in the mail that I’m expected to get mammograms now that I’m a “woman of a certain age”. I ignored them, and then came the dire warning letters. They stopped coming, then we were “randomly” chosen to take part in a government survey about our use of the health care system – a supposedly voluntary survey – and found ourselves being harassed with phone calls and letters when we refused to answer the very personal questions.

    Sorry about the overuse of the quotes, it’s just that I’m not convinced it isn’t all connected in some way. Even if it isn’t, it’s invasive and down right creepy.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      There’s no denying we face an institutional bias against free thinkers. The social orthodoxy is deeply suspicious of anyone who chooses a different path than the course they’ve charted for us.

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