Political Observations

There is a distinct advantage to my otherworldly focus. I can honestly claim objectivity regarding politics because I dismiss all of it as mere shadows and lies. I maintain that not a single Western government is remotely acceptable to God in terms of His revelation, none of them the least bit legitimate against Scripture, so not a single political statement today reflects any part of what I believe. It’s all manure, but each type has it’s own unique stink, and I’m left with being a connoisseur of nastiness.

Have you noticed that there is no human on earth so viscerally and senselessly hateful as a liberal ranting about the alleged hatred of non-liberals? And Progressives are the most sickening cowards, always demanding someone else do something about their pet peeves. Yet they salivate at the smallest bloodshed when their orthodoxy is enforced on others. Their hymns to openness apply only to a tiny range of acceptable alternatives.

The vast majority of conservatives are eager for someone else to send their children to war, but they do marshal a vast horde of willing cannon fodder. They are easily more Marxist than Marx on one particular point: They honestly believe humans will generally operate in their own economic best interest. This the one group most likely to flat out ignore anything I say in criticizing Western Civilization. No, I mean in direct conversation one-on-one, they pretend not to hear any comment that criticizes materialism, unless they permit themselves some lip service to “transcendent values.” Meanwhile, the single biggest threat to my human existence is Christian Fundamentalists.

The Western cultural images of apocalypse are always painted by doctrinaire fundies. The nightmare scenarios are relentlessly restricted to leftists as demons. What no one wants to admit is that, to the degree we are likely to suffer an apocalypse at all, it will come to us at the hands of the folks who have bought up Hal Lindsay and Tim LaHaye books. The Dispensationalists will be the primary perpetrators of WW3, and the Antichrist will be a Christian Fundamentalist taking control of world government.

Naturally, all of the above are patsies for someone far more intelligent. It won’t do to apply any labels at this point, because all of them are owned by one or another partisan group that I reject, but Satan runs all sides of the political debate. Christ pointedly withdrew from involvement in partisan disputes in His day. His agenda was blatantly outside this world, which makes things all the more Orwellian when the competing political entities all claim Him for their very worldly plans. How do you deal with a force that is so slimy you can’t pin it down verbally? No matter what I call this thing, it will polarize the readers.

Yet it’s painfully obvious there are puppet masters pulling the strings. The mere existence of the political left and right today both owe themselves to this same background thing. Wherever communists have taken control, it was the same kind of people regardless of the location. Those same people invented what we now call neoconservativism. Those two forces play off each other, with all the other identifiable political labels as mere herds of useful idiots. Even noting that they can be labeled “commies versus neocons” is merely the American manifestation of the same false dichotomy.

This evil band of plutocrats cannot be identified as a political group, ethnic group, nor even rightly as a religion. However, there is a highly religious flavor to their expressed agenda. You think it’s hidden? It’s been published in different forms since mankind had written language, and you can find various accurate expressions of it today on the Net. Most of the time it is presented to us as slander against someone else, so that expressing any interest at all marginalizes you immediately — if you are lucky. And it comes in contrasting and self-contradictory flavors. How do you argue with what amounts to a black hole? It exists only to deny direct observation of itself even as it sucks in everything.

All you have to remember is that if something addresses itself to this fallen world, as if things of this world actually matter, it’s a lie. It’s just a shadow. Don’t fear those who can only attack the flesh.

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