A Fresh Accounting

The tempo is changing again.

As always, you could have written me off as nuts a long time ago. I’ve been reshaped in so many different ways by the hand of God that I can scarcely remember where I was a couple of years ago. That is as it should be. Reputable? You have to decide that, but I sense again that heavy divine Presence calling me to account. Not for things done wrong, but an inventory in preparation for a shift in operations.

Aside from neutral prophetic analysis, I’m not going to engage other people on politics. I’m backing away from people with any significant inclination to partisan political cheer-leading in any direction. People can talk all they like, but I won’t engage them at all. I’ll try to make it clear they are wasting their time ranting with me. That goes with all the sideline activism with a much more narrow focus. My only activism is free information, and that’s hardly considered politics by most people. I think everyone must be granted room to study and think as they see fit, regardless of their views. It’s a purely moral stance. I won’t crush political opinion, but I don’t want to be involved beyond opening the doors to everyone.

The reason has to do with my overwhelming sense of calling, my sense of mission. Some part of me foresees an exposure to a world where I would be utterly useless otherwise. So long as it’s about people and serving their moral needs, I am on solid ground. There is something looming on my personal horizon that will require a more rarefied moral stance that pulls back and lets others fight it out as they see fit.

I don’t have a strong sense of how it will affect this blog, aside from the suspicion that there will come days when I have nothing of substance to post. I still write every day in my personal journal, but sometimes it’s best not to waste readers’ time on things that have no bearing on my shepherd’s call. For those who you who need more, you’ll need to engage me with questions that I can answer here, or you can always pester me privately by email — eddie at soulkiln.org jhurst 18 at cox dot net. It’s not as if I can’t learn new perspectives on what I’ve been presenting here all along, but I tend to believe this will be a period of implementation of what has already been learned. It’s awfully hard to make my personal mental framework relevant outside my own head.

On the other hand, I’m hoping and praying I can relate some relevant threads from future adventures, so this is hardly “goodbye.”

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