Xubuntu 14.04 Is Okay

I’ve installed the latest LTS release of Xubuntu Trusty Tahr (14.04) on an aging laptop. There are a few bugs noted on the release page and I suppose they’ll eventually get those worked out.

At any rate, I still refuse to support GNOME 3 or LXDE, give very little support to KDE 4, but I can endorse XFCE completely. And while I still don’t trust Canonical very much, I can tell you that the Xubuntu branch is just independent enough to be fairly safe. I don’t intend to run it that much because I don’t think there is any way it actually improves on vanilla Debian itself, but it’s a whole lot easier for folks who don’t have a lot of computer savvy. So if you have to ditch Windows, I recommend Xubuntu as a replacement.

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4 Responses to Xubuntu 14.04 Is Okay

  1. I may have to ditch Windows on my personal machine, so this is very helpful.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Yeah, it really depends on how you expect to use it. Linux is a whole lot better for security and stability, and far safer on the Net. However, it has a long ways to go on other things. It won’t hurt to read more detailed reviews of what it can and cannot do.

      • Will do. It’s really only for my home PC, so I don’t really want to buy another Windows licence for something I use occasionally. The office PCs, of course, are a different matter…

  2. Mark the trigeek says:

    I’m with you on this all the way. My cheapo netbook which came with some MS ME/WE/??EE version was utter crap. Once I slapped Xubuntu on it, the thing came alive. I plan on doing the same to this laptop which we bought so my wife could log into a MS only network.

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