Praying Divine Justice

God is willing to tweak things along the way as He executes His wider plans.

For the most part, we have no clue, nor capacity to process clues, about God’s designs on the bigger picture of global human existence. However, we have lots of clues about the broader scope of what He will do for us in the midst of those designs. When we understand the central issue is His glory, He’s quite willing to take glory from how He responds to our declared requests, provided those requests are consistent with His character.

This is the huge difference between mainstream Christianity today and those days when Jesus walked the earth and raised the dead. They don’t have much clue about God’s character, so they seldom see earth-shattering miracles that God said He was quite willing to grant.

Did you know that I’ve been praying about Syria? Since I reject the lies of the US government and her allies about what Syria needs, I tend to think the main issue is forcing our government to leave Syria alone. Yes, I know that’s highly unlikely on the human level of things. Still, I’m asking God to bring His justice to bear on the situation and grant as much of that as He will. Recent events with Russia getting involved will at least reduce the damage the US is doing there. Only a fool would imagine I’m taking sides here. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but two idiots can keep each other busy so that others can catch their breath.

I’ll give thanks for any measures of justice and give God the glory. Surely it would be a bigger miracle if we could get mainstream Christians to depart from the prison of Western bias and modern political buffoonery, but I’ll grab anything God offers. Besides, I’m utterly certain in my spirit that He is cleaning house among those people who claim His Son’s Name. Mainstream Western Christianity is about to take some major humbling in coming months.

But here’s something on a smaller scale: my Dad. His health is fading. Aside from simple hereditary factors, he’s aging and lived a rough life. Last night he went into surgery in Tulsa, OK. It’s a very long drive from here, so a quick visit to the hospital is not in the cards. I can tell you that his surgery was rather successful, in that they removed a cyst that was pressing on his spine. There’s also a major infection they couldn’t remove nearby because it’s all scar tissue and would mean invasive surgery that would threaten his life. He’s on heavy antibiotics. Finally, he had lost the use of his legs by the time he arrived at the hospital and it’s not certain he’ll get them back.

You can pray for that sort of thing, no? Chances are only a couple of readers even have a clue about the man, so just pray that I be able to do something redemptive in this situation. My brother is involved as his host and part-time caretaker when Dad comes back to OKC to see his regular doctor. My Mom and Dad divorced a few years ago and not all the siblings are on the best of terms, though I’m not hostile to any of them. Lots of folks need to see God’s power and glory in this situation.

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0 Responses to Praying Divine Justice

  1. forrealone says:

    Oh, yes, I will pray for your Dad. To God be the Glory in all that results!

  2. Benjamin says:

    I will pray for him as well. Thanks for letting us know.