Go Ahead and Laugh

My human side sincerely wishes that God could be a little more forthcoming about the timing of some things, but that’s simply not His way. The exceptions in Scripture are few, indeed, so there is no reason to expect anything in that direction. Still, it seems to me we are on the threshold, whatever that means. Allow me to recapitulate some of my mad ravings for your amusement.

Prophecies: Of these things I am more certain than I can put into words. I’ll stake my life on these.

  1. If the US brings military force against Iran, God will see to it that the US loses in battle. Never mind how or why; our troops and equipment will lie scattered across the landscape.
  2. The US is already slated for destruction, in the sense that she will cease being a single united country. It will be a huge mess and leading up that will be a serious police state arising from a right-wing backlash. Direct resistance to this would be sin without a clear move of the Spirit in your heart.

Surmises of the Heart: Not on the same level as prophecy, but I believe these things strongly enough to make concrete plans based on them.

  1. Related to the second item above, I’m quite certain it will also involve popular religious support for the State of Israel and attempts to silence those who reject the Zionist-Dispensational gospel. Online, at least, this will fail because the people leading this thing will be technically ignorant. Instead, there will be some measure of persecution in meat space, so be watchful. This thing will do some damage. On the other hand, it will be mostly noisy and toothless in reality.
  2. Israel will do something that destroys the credibility of Zionism and Dispensational theology. There will be an exodus from mainstream Christian churches over it, though a core of bitter hard-heads will remain because of sheer politics.
  3. Perhaps it’s all interconnected, but I honestly believe God Himself will humble Microsoft. On the same note, I honestly expect the right-wing backlash to rush to Microsoft’s defense and maybe even attack Linux as immoral. Yet, a lot of this will come off as buffoonery.
  4. The true field of battle will be in cyberspace. Computers and the Internet will continue their lurching but rapid pace of change, becoming ever more important in human existence.

And it takes no particular revelation from God to see that the fundamental issue in destroying the West as a whole is economics.

Thanks to generous donations via PayPal, I’ve ordered a netbook: Dell Latitude 2120 with Linux already installed. Woohoo! I’ll let you know if I think it was worth the price (US $89.00) as soon as I get my hands on it.

Our mission is to be ready at all times, and in all circumstances, to shine His glory by living in such harmony with His character that all of Creation celebrates with us in providing our needs. When we get shalom, His glory shines.

God bless you all.

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0 Responses to Go Ahead and Laugh

  1. Dave W says:

    Ed… Certainly agree with your second prophecy. Can you give a bit more detail on the first? Are there scriptural references you can share? I really appreciate your contributions here.


    • Ed Hurst says:

      David, the doom of the US was something that simply occurred to me after reading so much about background politics in the context of a long time of study in the Bible. It would seem obvious to anyone with an active heart-faith, but that was new to me then. The issue with Iran was the first prophetic word that hit me with such direct force a few years ago. I’ve not found any direct Scripture references, but at the time my sense was that God was trying to say, “No more. Don’t go past this point.” This was back when I first gave serious attention to the Brookings report, Which Path to Persia? The prophecy came first as an overwhelming deep sorrow, followed by a vision of US formations lying dead and destroyed on a patch of rocky desert. It haunted me for days.

      I don’t think I’m all that special. It surprises me that more people who take the heart-mind connection seriously don’t receive prophetic visions like this. It’s part of the tribulation episodes God made throughout human history — dreams, visions, prophecies, miracles, etc. If I were to chatter here about all the miracles I’ve seen, it would wear out the subject. As you know, there is a large gap between our cultural perception of such things and God’s actual handiwork in our human existence, so the definition of “miracle” would seem too much like something else to most people.

  2. Benjamin says:

    I look forward to hearing how well the Dell Latitude 2120 works out. Looks like a good little machine.