Our Sneaky Plan

Okay, it’s not sneaky if you tell everyone in advance. Then again, it will remain incomprehensible to anyone who doesn’t let their heart lead their minds.

Changing anything in this world starts with the person in the mirror. That much is already understood by most bright minds. However, it remains true across the board, in every detail of what we might feel called to do. If people do not feel driven from their hearts to make changes, nothing that matters has changed. We come into this knowing that we cannot comprehend God’s ultimate plans in terms of broad human political and economic changes. Such are the things we simply watch so we can make the most of understanding how the context affects our ministry decisions. But the real work is one-on-one.

Even my books are written to project a one-on-one feel to the reader. That’s as close as I’ll ever get to a lot of people out there, so I have to make it touch them that way or nothing will happen. That is, Our Creator has flatly said that we cannot knowingly participate in any other way. You may well discover God uses your actions in ways you never could have planned or predicted, but the part you are in on — the part He allows us to understand — is the part about reaching out one-on-one.

This is why I eschew anything that resembles activism. The entire concept of activism intends to make large changes through any other means except one-on-one. God said such things are not our concern. Our concern is the individual He places within our moral domain at that moment.

So your decision to get involved in human activity remains a matter of being where you can bring His glory to shine on people you probably don’t even know yet. As tribulation rises, we will face a moral landscape we cannot possibly anticipate. Even those prophetic touches of God in my spirit cannot be fully analyzed on any rational level so that I know what it will look like. All I can do is identify the fuzzy heart-logic imperatives of where God wants me to focus my energies and resources. I have good reason to believe it will be much the same for anyone else He leads from the heart.

Go ahead; get involved. As I said previously, infiltrate the human space with a heart-led presence that infuses places with divine justice. You and I are the light-bearers whom God has chosen as His agents. We have little idea of future events aside from what we can prophetically see in moral terms, but that is enough to act upon.

You want to stop war? Infiltrate and let God change the warriors into something — anything — other than warriors. They’ll stop at God’s command, not based on any detailed planning you might conjure up in your head. Nor can you pretend you’ll know who will change, nor how, nor when. All you have is the moral vision of your heart to guide you. That in itself is the flavor of our infiltration, to teach humanity how to listen to their hearts so as to hear the Spirit as He calls us. Let’s work with Our Lord to turn them into mystics.

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