Cycling: Short Loop

2400blkNE63rdToday the ride wasn’t remarkable, just up the Katy Trail to NE 63rd, over to Midwest Boulevard and back home. It was more about taking pictures, but I was rather disappointed as about half my shots were just not worth showing you. On the left is a shot of some abandoned stone gateway up on NE 63rd near Remington Park. Grandeur forgotten.

InsideRoganCemeteryI was hoping for at least one good shot of a steep valley, either Deep Fork itself or a tributary, but all the accessible areas were obscured by heavy tree foliage. We are in full green-up mode starting this week and I’ll have to wait for some off-road riding to get that kind of shot. Meanwhile, I decided to take a look at the old Rogan Cemetery. As you can see, some of parts of it are neglected. Most of these headstones belong to WW1 veterans.RoganCemetery The front gate is half-way interesting, but I decided it was even more interesting from the backside (image left).

About the only other items of interest that I haven’t presented on this blog was at the corner of NE 63rd and Sooner Road.NWcornerNE63rdSooner There is this old gas station on the northwest corner. From time to time over the past few decades, someone will open up some kind of business there, but it never seems to last very long.5601NE63rd Just a few hundred yards east, the first house on the north side appears still occupied, but I never see any vehicles parked out front any more. I couldn’t read the paper on the front door but I’m guessing there’s no one actually living there much, just taking care of the property.

A bit cooler today with moderate winds from the NW. Still warm enough for shorts and just a t-shirt, but it qualifies as a cool front.

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