Faith of Abraham

The work on revising and updating my Ancient Truth Bible studies continues. Right now I’m revisiting Hebrews from the General Letters. In chapter 11 the writer mentions how Abraham was way past his prime and still had a son. God didn’t choose the most vigorous young man to father the nation to inherit the land. Instead, he chose someone whose heart was ready and used what was wrapped around that heart. Abraham walked a land he did not own as a promise that God would give it to them. Their inheritance was this vast unexplored territory of faith, and the land was just a visual symbol.

I’m seeing a tiny handful of people interact here in that same faith. A few of you communicate with me behind the scenes of the powerful changes God brings because of our shared message of faith. We have all been changed — are still being changed — and this is not the same world where we started. We are still exploring this territory of faith.

Do you suppose it’s possible that in the future some of us will be connected with meat-space manifestations of this virtual parish? Honestly, we should be surprised if various congregations are not started that way. For all my blather about what a fine thing it is God chose us to begin this work in virtual space, we could hardly expect it to stay that way. Don’t wait for me to tell you how it works; we are forging into territory new to all of us. Just start with those whose hearts call them to your side and make it happen. Whatever arises from the fellowship has to be good and right, at least in terms of procedures and such. All I ask is that you try to make it as much as possible like a family household from the Ancient Near East.

Right now, a visitor to our virtual parish might not see much happening. I consider this the calm before the storm. This is the time to survey the lay of the land from the heights of faith. Focus on preparing the moral space in your hearts. I, for one, will move forward as if all my wacko predictions are coming true.

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