A New Adventure

As I pedaled across the bridge over Crooked Oak Creek, the Father caught my attention. It was quiet and just a little breeze, but the power of the Spirit was overwhelming in His Presence, so I stopped to pray and give thanks for all the blessings. A short way down the bike path, I came up behind a Bobcat with a street-sweeper attachment on the front. The operator was knocking the sand off the bike path from recent rains. I trailed him for about 100 meters because we were in a tight spot. I didn’t see his mirrors, but I know Bobcats had them, so I was hoping he knew I was there. Once there was safe clearance I pulled off onto the grass and began climbing the embankment to go around. This one had no rear-view mirror.

WreckSceneHe spun sharply left and I collided with the hard plastic cover on the roller broom. I was pitched over the handlebars, and in the process gashed my knee against the lower edge of that plastic shield. The bike was busted up a bit, but my leg was a mess.

LegAfter surgery the doctors said something about the patella being broken in 4 or 5 pieces. The tendons and muscle were cut through just above the knee cap, and all had to be stitched back together. The knee cap has been screwed together and there’s a technique involving optic fiber threads used to bolster the whole thing. So I have hardware and the first broken bone in my entire life.

For a week it must remain immobilized, so I’ll sit in my recliner and use my wife’s laptop. I go back in for a post-op check up and see if anything changed. They say recovery takes a minimum of six weeks. No rides for awhile, even if we get the bike fixed. We are praying for guidance in dealing the with city government, because I seriously doubt any lawyers will starve if I don’t hire one. I am believing God that He has placed someone there who will do the right thing; we are not bloodthirsty.

Indeed, I seem to have made quite a few new friends here and there because the Lord empowered a solid patient witness in dealing with the bureaucracy.

Pray for Larry Ponder, the man operating the Bobcat. He took it worse than I did. We prayed together while waiting for the ambulance. It matters not who is responsible, I bear no ill will against him. So I’m all groggy now from the pain killers and it will take awhile for me to respond to much. I love you all. Let’s see what great things God will do with this.

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0 Responses to A New Adventure

  1. forrealone says:

    I knew it! God does work mightily and, you are right. He will work this through in His way. My first inclination was to get a lawyer, but now I know better! He shines His Glory through you, Ed. No doubt in my mind. Father keep and bless you, dear Brother.

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    Saw Veloyce’s post earlier. Glad to know things are okay and didn’t get worse, legally and medically, than it could have. Prayers coming your way.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Thanks, Jay. We have been washed over in joy and compassion and have done our best to pay that forward. I clowned with the medical staff and let them know I intended to be the best patient they ever had. This is truly a marvelous adventure already.

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