
Just a quick update for those who are interested. The VA sent me home with Tylenol-3. I hate it, but the pain would be intolerable without it. After surgery there a lag between the time the anesthesia (“saddle block”) wore off and the nurse giving me something else. It was very nearly as bad as any pain I can recall in my life. You would expect that with a shattered kneecap and that big slice across the front of my leg. At the same time, my own wiring has risen to the occasion and my pain tolerance has actually improved.

At any rate, writing here will be a little slow until the initial shock to my system passes. The pain-killer makes me woozy right after I take it.

The real blessing in all of this was God granting me a divine composure. From the moment I sat up in the grass and knew I was hurt, I had an overwhelming sense of God at work with a solid plan. I never really went into shock except for the briefest moment in the Emergency Room.

Folks you can speculate about how tough I am, but I must give God the glory, and encourage you that this faith that carries me is more than big enough to carry you through whatever you face. I love you all.

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0 Responses to Progress

  1. forrealone says:

    I must give God the glory, and encourage you that this faith that carries me is more than big enough to carry you through whatever you face.

    Amen to that, Brother! What a wonderful testimony .

  2. Mr. T. says:

    Glad you’re OK.