Sweet Taste of Hope

Put on your quantum thinking cap.

Okay, let’s remind ourselves that quantum reasoning, as we use the term here, refers to reducing things to their smallest component, or lowest root level, and making sure it lines up with the most fundamental nature of reality. In our case, that means starting with divine revelation. It means backing up to the thinking and intellectual assumptions of the folks who wrote the authoritative record of God’s revelation way back when they wrote it.

And it results in seeing things on multiple levels. Nothing is simple; everything is complex and requires moral discernment to pick out how you will react, if at all.

So on one level, the way to handle your enemies is purely a matter of functionality. What does it take to keep some hostile actor out of your divine calling? Within the realm of possibilities, what are you supposed to do about their intrusion? What will get the job done with minimal distraction from your divine calling and mission? We aren’t interested in how our enemies feel about things, except insofar as it helps us decide what response will get them to back off.

Yet on another level, we make room for God to engage our enemies in redemption. Can He turn an enemy into something else? We care enough about redemption of all Creation that we would be glad to make everyone else care, because people are a part of Creation. So we might often do something kind and gracious to “heap coals of fire on their heads.” But that’s part of the mission itself.

At any rate, the one thing we most certainly will not do is seek to humiliate and bring them to despair. That’s for God alone. He might well use us in that wrath and divine justice, but we must avoid trying to embrace it as something we own. This is the key issue: We want to avoid standing in the place where God holds a grudge against us, and that means not holding grudges against others. It’s a hatred against evil, not the people who are trapped in evil.

This is why we reject the entire mechanism of Western jurisprudence. The West talks in terms of personal debt, of crimes against persons (or against property presented as a person), but the real underlying issue is crushing anyone who dares get in the way of the State. The State has decreed that certain things are forbidden because those things are inconvenient to State control. The State regards itself as the one deity within its jurisdiction. All must bow. If they do not bow voluntarily, they must be humiliated and driven into some kind of hell. And this is often the intent within the State’s justice, that the experience of Hell should be for the duration of life, so that there can be no light at the end of the tunnel for the malefactor to dream. There must be an absolute crushing of independent life outside of the will of the State.

This is what we inherited from our Anglo-Saxon tribal cultural ancestors in Western Civilization. It depersonalizes justice.

In Biblical divine justice, it is very personal: Every thing called “sin” is a personal insult to God. In Scripture, the whole issue is seeking to recover His favor. If you view the Scripture from a Western point of view, you will see God as the implacable, angry Norse deity, whose character is just one step away from the depersonalized State. The God of the Bible is nothing like that. He is the one who regards all humans as His treasure. Sadly, most of them reject His dominion, so it turns out pretty bad. Still, everything about wrath and divine justice is aimed at bringing people back to Him. This is not an abject humiliation, but the joyful embrace of a family member returning home. All the depictions of God’s wrath and His mighty arm of justice stand on that foundation, not the heathen imagery of Western roots. The Bible must not be read through the lens of Beowulf.

Now, stop and think about how Israel acts in this world. She doesn’t suffer from our Western heritage, but carries the seeds of her own dark and ugly past. It’s a past of consistently straying from the Covenant and her unique heritage of mercy and redemption. She chose a hideous dark world that is so much like our own hideous Anglo-Saxon past that it’s hard to tell them apart, because they both come from the deceptions of Satan. The difference is that Israel embraces the sheer arrogance of claiming to be God’s Chosen while rejecting everything that He said defined them as being chosen.

But the issue I want you to see is how Israel’s whole orientation is to provoke humiliation and despair. You can’t even claim it’s simply a matter of standing up for herself. She is doing things any sane person knows will someday bring a harsh response. She doesn’t care about that at all; she delights in the moment of provoking, annoying and rubbing her feces on other people’s faces. It’s this driving conviction that everyone who isn’t part of Israel deserves humiliation as a fundamental fact of reality. They play along with the empty notion that justice is merely being left alone to do her thing, but her actions betray a level of spite that is off the charts, as if nothing else in her existence matters. She believes it is her divine mandate to make all of the rest of the world miserable, and this is her whole existence.

This is not to raise your ire; I’m not trying to provoke action against Israel nor the State. Rather, it is to help establish the baseline expectations of how these two forces will act. More to the point, it explains how the servants of the State can be deceived into supporting Israel in her absolute perversity. I want you to see how it can be that some day in the future, Israel will reap the harvest of hatred she has been sowing since the day the Covenant of Moses was closed on the Cross. On that day, she was legally adopted by Satan, and he became her true god. Judaism is the synagogue of Satan, and Zionism is even worse. And the US State has joined Israel as her good Gentile slave.

But the slave must be first stripped away from her possession. So America as we know it today will be torn to shreds. It will be dismembered and parceled out into several smaller, far weaker states. This will not be an apocalypse, though. That comes later down the road when Israel as a State will be destroyed. All the End Times mythology will be exposed for the lie it is. No doubt, there will be some superficial resemblance between the myths and the reality, but only to deceive the Elect of God who won’t embrace the heart-led way of truth.

If this message speaks to your heart, then adjust your expectations accordingly. Those of us going through this time, seeing the wrath of God up close and personal, must see it from eyes of faith. It will not be anything like the movies and TV shows we’ve seen, or the fanciful books hawked by the Purchase Driven Life. A real apocalypse is slow and painful, with a huge factor of plausible deniability for those who choose not to see it. If all you have is your intellect, then you can make of it a thousand other things you may imagine. But the real thing requires frequent times in prayer and contemplation to keep alive both the vision of what is happening and the sweet taste of divine hope in the midst of it all.

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