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Monthly Archives: October 2019
Can’t Make This Short
When I served in the US Army Military Police, I quickly became aware that there were a select few who were protected by system, while most of the rest of us were expendable. While that protection rested mostly on commissioned … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged globalism, government conspiracies, Military Police, psychology, ruling elite, Satan, Zionism
Kingdom Special Forces
There are no elite troops in the Kingdom of Heaven. During my time in the Army, I encountered two kinds of people who belonged to so-called elite forces. There was the commando, the boasting warrior who could do most of … Continue reading
Law of Moses — Exodus 20:1-17
God takes you where you are, and speaks the language you recognize, in order to move you where He wants you. The language of the Covenant begins with a suzerain-vassal treaty. It’s a form the Hebrew people would have recognized, … Continue reading
Talk the Walk
This won’t take long. When I talk to people about religion and faith, most of what I say that seems to have any real impact is just this: Listen to your heart. Walk by convictions, not reason. You can’t trust … Continue reading
Where and Who We Are
Let’s get real: Radix Fidem is unlikely to grow much until one or more things happen. One: If one or more people with a high public exposure adopt Radix Fidem and promote it, we will get a lot more attention. … Continue reading
Introducing the Moses’ Law Series
The next series of weekly Bible studies will be the Covenant Law of Israel. This is in keeping with 2 Timothy 2:15, in which their Scriptures was then only the Old Testament. We are to study the Law to discern … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, divine revelation, heart-led, Hebrew Scriptures, Law of Moses
Teachings of Jesus — John 21:15-19
John records very few words from Jesus between the scene in the Garden of Gethsemane and the Resurrection. However, there is this one exchange with Peter after the resurrection that hides something very important. It’s not obvious in the English … Continue reading
Riding Herd on Sinners
I really appreciate Jack’s review of my teaching. Some of you may notice his answers aren’t precisely the same as mine, and you will already know that it doesn’t matter to me. I can’t recall when it came to me, … Continue reading
Teachings of Jesus — John 17:11-26
Jesus continues praying aloud for His disciples as they make their way past the Temple plaza. As Jesus prepares to return to His Father’s throne, He asks that His Father watch over them as they continue His ministry. They are … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged communion, faith community, Jesus Christ, John's Gospel, prayer, shepherd role
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