Purpose and Mission

The original purpose behind opening this blog under private hosting was because I was frankly worried at how WordPress in their own hosting had shut down in quick succession a handful of blogs I had been following. I was hardly alone in thinking I might be next; several other WP bloggers voiced concerns about it. But that furor died down and the old blog now seems safe, for awhile at least.

So I decided to continue posting there things that were less likely to get it shut down, and brought here the more controversial stuff. In practice, it works out that this is the faith teaching blog, and the old one is more about practical matters. Since I specifically deny any activist interests (except perhaps freedom of information exchange), it would take a significant shift in politics to become dangerous.

Thus, this blog is mostly about deeper matters of faith. Currently, that points most often to an expectation that our community will represent an underground church, if you will, and remain virtual for the most part. Much as I would love to meet each of you face to face, and often, this ministry is focused on developing the habits and frame of reference for a virtual parish with a mission to promote the Radix Fidem covenant.

Nothing about that restricts anyone from pursuing any kind of other work in human space. We are only too happy to support that. However, this virtual parish reflects a prophetic calling to carve out a better way of doing church for the kind of society being drawn more tightly into the virtual world. And it doesn’t matter that we think this a really bad direction for people to go; we have to meet them where they are going if we are going to do them any good. Yelling and screaming at them from the outside is rather futile, when the mission field is people in the virtual realm. It’s okay to condemn that sad situation, but not until we have their attention first.

Meanwhile, we have to avoid contaminating our witness with excessive accommodation. I doubt any two of us will take the exact same path on that. We need to stay focused on the common ground that encourages a community to remain together in sharing our faith. We need to create and maintain a space that will probably be rather small, at least for awhile, and exclude folks who simply don’t accept the mission we have. They aren’t wrong, just irrelevant.

Thus, I’ll keep blathering about networking and politics on the other blog, and here I’ll try to dig deeper into matters of faith. At times that will mean castigating Zionism and things related to that. This is still the single greatest threat to this ministry, but that’s the whole point. Jay and I reckon that it will be somewhat harder for Zionists to afflict this blog based on the context of its hosting. They will try, sooner or later; their goals include silencing any and every voice that dissents from their agenda. Right now, the situation is affordable. If things get hot for us, it may require a little more support to keep this blog alive. I’ll let you know on that, in case you believe it matters.

We may also need to look at encrypting some of our communications. I’m keeping an eye on developments in that field. It’s a very active endeavor right now, with frequent and sometimes dramatic changes.

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One Response to Purpose and Mission

  1. Iain says:

    “This tape will self destruct in five seconds.”
    I choose to accept the mission
    Once again the Impossible Missionary Force goes into action.
    “I ain’t getting on no airplane, Hannibal”
    “That’s the A Team, you dolt”
    “Oh…yeah…riiight… how about this dunt dunt duh duh dunt dunt”
    ” what were you saying about a walk?”

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