Notional Civil War

Biblical Law says that, as a matter of general principle, we do not resist the government under which God places us. That’s the broader meaning of “do not curse the king.” That was how the New Testament churches handled Rome. They had a specific message from God commanding they not resist, though some were encouraged to flee when possible.

Biblical Law also says there are times when a prophetic word from God can lead to a different response. The Lord called up rebels from time to time to oppose and afflict unrighteous government. Recall that God sent a prophet to Jeroboam telling him that God would give him the northern tribes because Rehoboam was rejecting divine counsel. Rehoboam was the legal heir to Solomon’s throne, but God directed the people to rise up in rebellion against a very foolish king. Not to curse him or attack him, but He told the people to refuse to cooperate.

In other words, the real issue is not a matter of the government is always right, but that we are obliged to seek God’s leadership. The default is to play along as best we can. We need a very specific word from God to know when and how to resist.

For myself, I am utterly convinced that we should resist certain elements in our US political leadership. I plan to do so. I’ve already identified those elements as the globalists in the near term, and the Zionists in the longer term. I have no heart for fighting the purely imperialist elements in our government; they will be crushed by their own folly. However, I feel certain we should pray about how we might cooperate with the hand of God against the globalists and Zionists.

It has nothing to do with tyranny and oppression, though such things are clearly evil. But they are also standard equipment with governments in our world today, so they aren’t the real issue. The real issue is something deeper. The globalists and Zionists are trying to force the hand of God. They have made themselves odious beyond any hope of mercy.

However, I do not counsel any particular form of action beyond simply refusing to cooperate. Not in childish truculence, but we should make solid plans how to do what’s in our own local best interest. We should seek to convince folks to ditch the idea of a United States in favor of smaller and more localized government.

I’m still convinced that in terms of the Internet and most major technology questions, we should go with the flow toward centralization and standardization. That’s simply the nature of networking these days, but it’s a separate issue from meat-space politics. I believe it is a word from God that we should promote the break-up of the US, as this is precisely what God intends to do.

I won’t offer any concrete lines of geographical division; that’s the whole point. I seriously doubt it’s really all that important. What matters is that there be a boundary line drawn somewhere. The whole point is to encourage folks to stand up for themselves and what matters most to them. They can figure out for themselves where to draw the lines.

I intend to promote this smaller, more local brand of nationalism in my writing. And very specifically, I will point out that this is the only way forward, because we certainly aren’t going to slaughter the globalists. That would work, but there’s simply no will to go that route. I would say prophetically that the window has closed on that; it certainly would have been possible as recently as two years ago, but not now. The economy has crumbled too much since then, and there is nothing left to save in that sense. All that’s left now is simply survival, and that calls for a different way of handling things.

So there’s nothing sneaky or underhanded here. I’m announcing openly that I’m on the path of notional civil war, aimed at breaking up the US. While there’s no doubt going to be some bloodshed, it will not be a major factor in a growing political will to withdraw support and cooperation from the federal government. We simply cannot afford it any more.

I will point out that the greatest threat to this information warfare is the so-called “Deep State.” In case you don’t know the real meaning of that term, it refers to the hidden bureaucracy of government that adheres to its own political agenda and policies. The Deep State is frankly hostile to the will of the people. It is not a precise agency so much as a presence within the bureaucracy. However, we know that the CIA, much of the FBI, and a huge swath of the military are all globalist. And there is a very large overlapping Zionist component. They have a lot of allies in Congress, and moles in the Administration. For the most part, they hold the reins of government action and funding.

Could Trump have driven them out in his first year in office, the US as a whole might still have some useful life left. He didn’t and it doesn’t. The one best way to disable the globalists now is to break the link between the centralized government they control and the various populations they seek to control. The Zionists are different kind of threat and will require a different kind of resistance. We need first to break the federal stranglehold.

The government apparatus identifies with the ruling class’s interests, proclivities, and tastes, and almost unanimously with the Democratic Party. As it uses government power to press those interests, proclivities, and tastes upon the ruled, it acts as a partisan state. This party state’s political objective is to delegitimize not so much the politicians who champion the ruled from time to time, but the ruled themselves. Ever since Woodrow Wilson nearly a century and a half ago at Princeton, colleges have taught that ordinary Americans are rightly ruled by experts because they are incapable of governing themselves. Millions of graduates have identified themselves as the personifiers of expertise and believe themselves entitled to rule. Their practical definition of discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, etc., is neither more nor less than anyone’s reluctance to bow to them. It’s personal. (source)

Let them call us whatever they like; we serve Christ, not their god, Satan.

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5 Responses to Notional Civil War

  1. Iain says:

    The writer of the CRB article’s section on Lincoln is absolute horseshit and is based on falsehoods and myths perpetuated by the academic Lincoln Cult.

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    “I intend to promote this smaller, more local brand of nationalism in my writing.”

    Most folks in America, the sensible ones at least, would be able to stomach this. It’s not ideal but it’s not as though they’re going to be into (or even understand) covenant tribalism 🙂

  3. Iain says:

    One can occasionally find jewelry in a septic tank, or so I’ve been told.

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