Getting Ready for It

One twitch of the Father’s finger can bring giant changes for mankind.

I’m going to babble for a moment because I can’t just keep this to myself. I’ll try to keep it as coherent as I can, but it’s not the kind of thing easily put into words. It’s about heart-led stuff. I’ve prayed a great deal so I can sense it from my heart, not my head. I don’t want to take any human word for this.

Have you felt a tension in the air? I’ve run across lots of indicators that others feel it, too. My wife and I have been sensing this coming on for awhile. It’s like the rustling of bat wings coming out of Hell. For that reason, I’ve been convinced it’s not just any one event, but the timing of several things at once.

You know how small groups of folks can all make plans, more or less in isolation from each other, and then collide in some common space? That’s what it reminds me of. It’s as if all these people have no firm notion of how God operates. No doubt a bunch of them claim to be obeying Him, and I’m in no position to judge, but it sure seems like the Lord is telling me to get ready for a huge mess.

Sure, most of the people making these crazy plans are looking at Inauguration Day — Wednesday, 20 January 2021. Some of it will manifest in the days following, like it’s just getting started at that point. Still, I sense my wife and I are being told to prepare for a fresh wave of tribulation. I don’t think it’s confined to Biden’s plans, either; he’s just a figurehead. It seems to be lot bigger than that.

I knew better than to ask the Lord for some kind clue about events. Instead, I focused on asking what we are supposed to do with this. What does He require of us? There’s a few more things we need to do to be prepared. Don’t be surprised if a lot of Internet stuff goes haywire for a while. That’s been coming for quite some time, so it shouldn’t be a total surprise.

May God have mercy on His people.

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