What More Can We Say?

What if nothing happens? Would it change what I’ve said and done? No. The things that matter most are things that human eyes never see. It the things the heart alone can see. What my heart sees is that tribulation, distress and suffering, and apocalypse must come. Without it, the voice of God will not be heard. It’s a measure of God’s grace that He breaks up the false systems that hinder people from hearing His Word.

We don’t know much about the heart-led way from Church History. That’s because the people who came up with the academic discipline of Church History had no concept of the heart-led way. Nothing they’ve translated or studied will help us discern when the heart-led way died or how it died. But it’s certainly dead now in churches. People use that word “faith” quite a bit, but they don’t understand how it means the heart-led way of conviction.

We’ve found it. Who’s to say what we have is real or fake? All we know is that we believe we have peace with God (shalom) and we can’t imagine keeping it to ourselves. Yet the world around us is so very hard of hearing. And we know that there will no breakthrough until the Lord moves to open their ears.

If you’ve ever prayed for the people around you to be open to our message, then you should understand that you have prayed for God’s wrath, for tribulation and sorrow. It’s like a huge drunken stupor over everyone; they have to hit bottom before they’ll look up. God is answering that prayer, but it’s not the kind of thing that comes quickly. We haven’t see serious tribulation yet.

Even if tomorrow’s events go through completely boring and uneventful on the human level, the hand of God is working. His wrath is alive and burns up all the works of mere men. So even if the persecution and tribulation comes slowly, it still comes.

We know how to face it. We’ve talked it to death, and we’ll keep talking about it. In every way possible, we’ll strive to make it understood. We will leave no escape for anyone. Maybe what we have isn’t for everyone, but it’s for someone out there who doesn’t already have it. I believe it’s a whole bunch of someones.

Live it; make them see it. Walk in the tribal feudal covenant path. Show them Biblical Law. As the pressure rises, be more committed and strong.

I don’t know what else to say.

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2 Responses to What More Can We Say?

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Interesting to read this after the fact. Barely anything happened in practice, but most everyone is watching a movie where something really huge did take place.

    • ehurst says:

      You have to wonder what mythology would sound like to the people who lived through the events captured in those stories.

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