Show Me Faith

I don’t care who you are or what you have accomplished. When Christ comes back, all of that will be wiped away and forgotten. The only thing that will be remembered is whether we promoted His glory. He won’t be interested in anything else.

And taking my cues from Him, I’m not interested in all the talent, great intellect, or accomplishments. I don’t want to hear about heroes in those areas. I want to hear about heroes of faith.

Oh, wait — faith isn’t valued by our society. Faith is kept hidden.

No, I’m not talking about church people who accomplish the same things secular people do, but with a different label. I don’t care about institutional empires; I don’t care about budgets-buildings-bodies. Don’t tell me about your broadcast satellites and your Internet presence. I care about people who have gone to extremes in demonstrating faith, AKA a commitment to Christ.

There is no lack of fanatical commitment to a lot of other things, but our society has no interest in the gospel message itself. So it’s really hard to find models of faith to Christ, because there is no significant effort to record their testimonies. It’s always some kind of reverence for the person, instead of the faith.

Tell me how you have rejected the mainstream obsession with human accomplishments. Demonstrate how you walk by conviction. Tell me how you have harvested shalom and built something that stands on it. Show me the power of God in your life.

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