Change Number 2746

Bear with me here; I’m trying to explain something that defies easy explaining.

If you can buy into my notion that things are in a state of flux as God watches what men outside His covenants do, then maybe you can sense what I sense: This ain’t gonna be like Hillary Clinton as President. Instead of a sharp, vindictive and hateful persecution, things will be muted somewhat on the ground.

It seems to me that there is a very strong and widespread preparation for resistance at the state level in a lot of states. I believe the Lord has heard our prayers for secession leaders. The globalists will talk big and propose laws, but I believe the states will dig in their heels and refuse to play along. And because of this, it means attempts to silence the gospel will also be blunted on the ground.

Instead, the biggest hassle for our witness will come online. The problem for us is that it’s very, very hard to reach our appointed audience any other way. There will be doors opening for our message in meat space somewhere down the road, but our initial efforts remain centered on the Internet. At least, that’s how it is for me. If you are having better opportunities on the ground, I’d love to hear about it.

Probably a much bigger hassle for everyone will be the economic troubles. Maybe I could explain some of that, but it won’t make much difference. The whole economy stands on something that will disappear, so that the only way anyone will buy, sell or transport is locally, most likely using a different means of exchange. A lot of imports will suddenly stop coming to our shores.

Anyway, I’ll reiterate here what I said on the other blog earlier today: I anticipate being able to make bikepacking trips this spring. I sense that God will make it happen if I am faithful. I need to get good at doing this on the cheap. Some parts of that are still up in the air, but I feel driven to prepare as best I can for long rides with camping gear.

There’s no signficance to the number in the title; it’s just randomly chosen to indicate that we are still in a dynamic context.

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2 Responses to Change Number 2746

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Was thinking of stopping in the the local cycle place to see how bad/high the prices are. I haven’t had the need to ride in a while and I will need parts replaced for sure once I start back up.

    Unrelated: on a whim, I searched “2746.” Most of the first page hits show that it’s a medical code for death by chronic kidney disease.

    • ehurst says:

      It wasn’t so long ago I wrote that we should support local suppliers when possible as part of decentralization. Even on my own bike preparation I was forced to use eBay to get all the critical parts for my bike conversion from drop bars to flat bars. And it’s a hundred other things that we can’t buy locally, simply because nobody has what we need. Even my wife’s need for hairnets at work cannot be supplied locally. Here’s hoping your local bike shop is better supplied than mine.

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