Calling a Failure What It Is

The Covenant of Moses was a particular implementation of the more ancient Covenant of Abraham. Moses had a distinct shelf-life (that people, that place, that time in history), whereas, Abraham was eternal. Jesus restored the Covenant of Moses, then dissolved it, throwing everything back into the Covenant of Abraham. But then, in Jesus it was translated into the Covenant of the Messiah. It was clarified and updated. In so doing, Jesus clarified Moses, too. Jesus breathed life into the underlying purpose of all covenants from God by becoming Himself the Living Covenant, the one final revelation of God’s will for us.

I strive to follow my Master, Jesus. My convictions demand that I seek to restore His Covenant with His people. There are contextual differences, of course. For example, we don’t have to deal with the weight of legacy involving an ethnic identity that Jesus faced. On the other hand, we don’t have the legacy of miraculous protection for a whole nation, either. Instead, we have a scant few miracles of mercy applied to individuals here and there. Miracles aren’t a notable indication of Covenant authority with the Church as it was with Israel.

But Jesus was restoring both the demands of the Covenant along with the blessings of the Covenant. That’s what I’m trying to do. The contextual differences are substantial. We can still count on persecution to be a major feature, but the means and methods of persecution will differ. The people who viscerally hated early Christians were almost entirely restricted to Jews. But the power to actually do harm was in the hands of non-Jewish government. Jews had to find leverage to induce government persecution of Christians. That’s how it is today.

Our message remains a threat to Judaism for all the same reasons. It’s the means and methods that differ. The ubiquitous tracking and surveillance of our day is in itself not a significant threat. It’s what governments naturally do. It has been in place for a long time, though it has grown significantly. But the real problem is how the resulting information about us is used. Part of the problem is that the term “government” now includes a whole range of entities who aren’t formally government, but who are so deeply entwined with government that there is no functional difference. So Judaism uses both kinds of agencies against us.

Recently we learned that Trump has been seeking to keep hold of his former audience in part through organizing new Internet platforms for addressing that audience. A couple of days ago something called GETTR was announced as part of this effort. The reason he’s doing this is two-pronged. One, he already has been ejected from the very most popular forums on the Net. During his time in office, he had some leverage to force those forums to remain open to him, but that’s gone now. So he began courting fairly popular alternative forums. Two, is that some of those forums refused to play by certain rules.

Those rules were asserted by his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Trump does nothing without Jared being involved, and we all know Jared is a very activist Jewish Zionist. Whenever Trump offered someone financial support to open up a big place for him to address his audience, Jared went along behind demanding that everything Jews and Zionists don’t like be removed from that forum. Several big influencers took the money and all of their comments about Judaism and Israel disappeared. Try to understand: Jared and his ilk have already catalogued everything on the Net that they don’t like, and that they want removed. At least one platform (Gab) resisted on the grounds that their whole purpose was anti-censorship, so they didn’t get the money. GETTR replaces Gab in Trump’s plans.

This is not a Democrat-Republican thing. There are Zionists on both sides, as well as those who resist Zionism in various ways. So long as the ruling regime is divided on the issue, it prevents Zionists from completely shutting down all dissent. For now, it’s the commercial half of government that is strongest in supporting Zionist censorship.

At some point in the history of Judaism, it appeared the Pharisees triumphed. However, we see today the secularism of the Sadducees has been reborn in political Zionism. It’s not Judaism, per se, but it’s a secularized version of it. Zionists will use anyone who can be manipulated on any grounds. They viscerally hate Christians, but you can see the partnership between Zionist leadership and Western evangelicals. But religious Jews are often no different on that point; they hate Christians. The Talmud has declared Christians the most worthy of all Gentiles for abuse and death.

Jewish leadership rejected Jesus because He pointed out how they had made themselves enemies of the God they claim. Like the Samaritans, they use God’s name, but actually refer to some other deity that doesn’t exist. The divine mandate for Israel has passed to those who follow Jesus. We are the New Israel. Not an earthly nation, but a kingdom of hearts. We can harvest the shalom our Father promised Israel. In so doing, we will trigger the same hounding persecution of those who think they have God over a barrel.

Keep a watchful eye so that you can be ready to handle that persecution from whichever direction it comes. Their primary objective is to silence the gospel message, which message includes identifying Jews as the tragic failure to embrace the God who called them into being.

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