The Divine Mandate

A major element in bringing God’s wrath on the West is feminism. While feminism isn’t peculiar to Western culture, what is unique is how Western feminism overwhelms the entire civilization and social culture. Even the Hebrews fought it to some degree with the residual Canaanite idolatry of various manifestations of Ashtarte, but it seldom resulted in the horror of female dominance, even from a background position.

Just a reminder: Scripture says flatly that female dominance is rejecting God’s revelation. It’s not that women can’t take leadership in certain important elements of a covenant existence, but that without trusting His design for male shepherding overall in protecting shalom, there is no Covenant. And without the Covenant, there are no blessings, no shalom. God is quite willing for the majority of humanity to forfeit all the divine heritage to Satan.

We should never be surprised when the majority of humanity prefers to live outside the Covenant privileges. Jack notes that it would seem Korea is among the last few cultural islands to yet resist Western feminism on any scale as public policy. At the same time, those who comment on his blog seem to agree by consensus that such resistance has little hope. The invasive nature of feminism, with our without the rest of Western influence, is almost sure to conquer even Korea eventually.

Note: Korea’s brand of male dominance is no model for us to follow. It takes precious little from the biblical model of shepherding. I’m not proposing any worldly solution. There isn’t one. Without the Covenant, there is no grounds for resistance to this malady. Reason plus facts could lead to a slightly better answer, but it has never been enough to change human nature. The leverage simply isn’t there. On top of that, there is near zero chance that world could arrive at the biblical answer by mere reason. Every form of resistance to feminism on anything but Covenant grounds is doomed to failure. Red Pill lore by itself is not enough.

And it would be easy to get lost in all the details of how the Bible says we should handle things while just trying to debunk the Western mythology. There is a real need to compare the two, but it quickly bogs down with the truculence of feminists among believers who don’t realize all their assumptions are feminist. They are blind to God’s revelation before they even start. It’s not just a matter of how-to; it’s a fundamental orientation that begins at the very roots of assumptions about reality. Virtually every woman you encounter on Planet Earth today will take it as a personal insult that you would dare to resist feminine dominance.

So, there is no practical remedy for the rest of the world. It would take a mighty miracle of God for even the few cloisters of covenant communities to grasp this issue clearly. This is not the counsel of despair, but rather the recognition that we are in a time of apocalypse. There is no way to avoid the full measure of God’s wrath, and it calls for a level of destruction no one can imagine. It comes very close to meriting another Noahic event, wiping out a significant portion of the human population. The moral disease is that pervasive.

I’m convinced the Lord isn’t going to take it that far. However, the place where we end up could easily be rather close to it. My convictions say that the end is not yet determined, but will depend to some degree on things you and I cannot measure. If we hope to salvage anything at all, our best estimate would come from each individually striving to embrace the Covenant and shalom.

In a day when it’s a precious gift of God that any one household is united under the Covenant, it does us good to make a realistic assessment of where we are. Korea isn’t going to be a shining light in the darkness, nor any other nation or culture. Pray that you will find your own peace with God, and then consider what you can do to preserve the knowledge of that peace for others. We have a divine mandate to transmit the Covenant knowledge to future generations. How are you going to do that? What is your mission under that calling?

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