Speculation for Late August 2021

Someone asked me to speculate on some things I’ve mentioned in the past. There’s no reason to think my knowledge and wisdom is somehow superior to that of others, but I don’t mind revealing what I expect to face in the coming years. That way, you’ll know what to expect from me.

So, I’ve discussed the micro-nova predicted by Suspicious Observers led by Ben Davidson. I’ve also mentioned a prophetic warning that we are due for a nasty CME. I don’t believe these are the same event. What I expect is a fairly big CME during this solar cycle. We have just passed the most recent nadir in 2020, and the peak is due in 2025. Since we have no hints from God yet, we are left with guessing that it will come somewhere near the solar peak. I’m guessing the micro-nova is farther out, and not connected to this solar cycle.

But I remain convinced that God will tell me and a lot of other folks right before it happens, if we are paying attention. God has never failed to warn me of such major changes in my life, but I haven’t always been smart enough to know what it meant. Right now, I’m praying that I’ll recognize it for what it is.

You might say that God will slap us with a glancing blow in the near term, a warning to get our houses in order. Of course, “getting the house in order” means embracing a far more mystical faith, in which we stop worrying so much about civilization and human aspirations. It will train us to be ready for the main event coming later. Most of the world is unlikely to listen to that initial warning, and within another decade or two following that, civilization will be wiped away by the micro-nova. There’s every reason to think it won’t be an extinction event, but it will make a pretty big mess. There will be lots of earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the magnetic pole movement will trigger things we just cannot imagine.

There’s a high probability I won’t live to see the latter event. However, I’m planning to witness the CME. My sense is that it will not destroy the entire US power grid. I have no feeling at all for other countries, but with the US, I figure it will explode a lot of transformers. Places in the US with frequent power outages will suffer worse in a CME for the obvious reason that their grid is already fragile. I suppose we can pray that it comes in winter when the cold air will save more transformers from overheating.

During the resulting outage, lots of computer devices will become useless, simply because the power will be out for cell towers, various kinds of Internet service providers, etc. It will be out for government offices, commercial businesses, retail stores, etc. It might be handy to have solar power generators for small stuff. Some places will fare better than others. Keep in mind that the kind of manufacturing that built our electrical grid is not there any more. Some of the maintenance stuff is still done here, but a lot of our manufacturing was sent overseas, so we won’t snap back very quickly if this CME is very powerful at all.

Meanwhile, I’m still expecting Microsoft to do something stupid that may well kill at least part of their business. I tend to believe it will affect Windows more than Office, generally speaking. There could be any number of ways this can happen, but a strong candidate is the political pressure of the wokies in many technology companies, as the bulk of employees tend to be leftist.

Right this moment, we are seeing a test case with Google in court over possible labor violations. The crux of Google’s argument is that the activists were fired, not for activism, but because they tried to force Google management to drop certain customers. Nothing in the case history of NLRB allows union employees to decide who the customers will be. The activists accessed secret data they weren’t cleared to see, and used it to pressure Google to stop serving certain big government agencies. My point in mentioning this is not whether Google might win, since I don’t think the wokies will stop if they lose this case. What I’m pointing out is how the wokies at Microsoft could put pressure on the company to start denying service to people who use the software in ways that make the wokies feel triggered.

But that’s just one very strong possibility; there are other ways Microsoft can cut its own throat. At any rate, I can get the work on my books done almost as easily on a Linux computer, so it’s not as if running Windows on my desktop is anything more than convenient. I feel confident that I’ll be able to finish the book revision project and get some copies in print. I’ll try to buy up enough of my own copies to give away some; Jay and I aim to price them at the cost of printing.

If you try to donate money now, I’ll save it toward a Chromebook. I’d like to not need this desktop system, and I already know from playing with Chromebooks that I can run MS Office and do on one whatever else a computer does for me. I’d prefer to get one in the middle price range for them (≅$400), but this is not a fund-raiser. I’m just telling you what’s going to happen with donations and savings.

And I could be all wrong, so don’t take my word for it. Check your own convictions.

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