Nobody Looking Out for Us

This regards the scientific facts and likely legal repercussions from the FDA rushing through it’s approval of Pfizer COVID vaccine.

I didn’t expect what I found today. I’m going to link to a presentation that has no fluff, and may indeed be a little too dense with facts for some. I know nothing about the host. So far, the site gives me a bad impression because some of what is presented there is clickbait. However, this particular piece is well done: Checkmate. Game Over. We WIN. On this page, the documents referred to are linked for your review.

There’s nothing new about the accusations of fraud and criminal avoidance of applicable regulations. The problem is that I have serious doubts that any lawsuits filed will get anywhere. We saw the careful planning that went into the election fraud, and how the recriminations are going nowhere in the courts. We may eventually see one judge issue a ruling that won’t change anything regarding the election.

That’s what I expect from any actions filed in courts from the fallout of this vaccine approval. Yes, it broke all kinds of rules and people can be sued or indicted. But I sincerely doubt the federal government will allow that to happen. I would expect that the courts will be instructed to handle this in such a way as to make it all quite pointless, same as with the election lawsuits.

The fix is in.

I’m convinced the whole point is to provoke a violent uprising. It might not be the plans of Biden and his friends, but someone behind the scenes knows this is how it will go, and they plan to profit from it in some way. The manipulation and exploitation will continue after any break-up in the Union of States. Don’t look for any genuine relief to come from that.

I keep saying: We have no dog in this fight. I stand by that. It may well be necessary to get involved in a certain sense of swimming with the tide, but not in the sense of actually believing any intentional good will come to the gospel message we bear. God will grant us whatever He wants us to have for the mission, but there’s nobody on this earth looking out for us.

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One Response to Nobody Looking Out for Us

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Read a comment somewhere the other day, where face masks were the only local indicator that anything is really going on covid-wise. The distrust for government is high and media spotlighting schemes are too obvious for a lot of people to take the scam seriously, and masks are “needed” Otherwise, people would be going about their business as usual. Can’t have that!

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