Keep Your Eyes on the Road Home

God alone knows what’s coming. He does tip His hand on some issues; He’s been very consistent about calling prophets every time He plans to bring His wrath. Granted, we have a surfeit of “prophets” trying to profit from the masses, but there is also a thread of consistent biblical warnings if you look for them.

And it never hurts to get some good analysis from smart people. God put them in place, as well, even if the wise voice doesn’t publicly acknowledge Him. As long as you can discern what they actually know about, it gives you a chance to make a realistic assessment of some things.

I keep saying that I believe we are headed for an apocalypse, or more accurately, a near-apocalypse. It’s not the end of the world; there are too many elements missing from the picture. But it will be one hellacious mess, and we do well to make our best guess about those things we can identify.

For example, we know that Satan is not what most churchians claim. Too much Western mythology has been mixed into the picture. Just look at at the popular fiction of the day making Satan out be something like Loki in Norse mythology, mostly by presenting some image of Loki and calling it “satanic.” That’s why I’ve invested so much time in trying to explain the biblical image, which is quite different. Satan is God’s punisher, and the cowboy that herds the spiritual cattle who refuse to acknowledge our Creator appropriately.

Thus, we know that Satan has no particular agenda except to deceive people who are willing to be deceived about God and His revelation. That’s his job, not his desire. The job is the punishment for his mistakes. It shows up in all that false mythology about himself. A major element of the Big Lie is the truth that Satan has stolen the heart-led way from Western consciousness, and wants everyone to stick with intellect and emotion. There is a very real battle between conservative versus liberal, but that’s not our fight, because neither side is heart-led. The idolatry of both sides is pretty empty of any kind of genuine commitment.

So, for example, the globalist-leftist axis has almost no truly committed souls. The progressive half of the US is almost entirely fake and empty. The people have had their souls stolen by the Western mythology, so they are flatly incapable of committing their lives to this agenda. It’s just a shallow appeal, but that’s as deep as they go. When a real war breaks out, they won’t be willing to die for their ideals. They only imagine that they would stand up to the last man/woman/thing.

And Satan has them all convinced that it will work. Having been inside of the NATO structure in Europe, I agree with Brandon Smith that the UN would actually be willing to send troops of some sort to support the collapsing globalists in the coming US second civil war. You should scan the comments with the linked article.

We are well past the point of preventing the war, and actually winning is questionable simply because we cannot yet see where God is taking all of this. All we can say is that decentralization is coming at God’s hand. The war will be global in nature, in that things are being manipulated that way all over the world. It’s not just the US. Russia and China are both different brands of globalist (pushing vaccines), just a whale of lot more intelligent about it than their US counterparts. They would both be glad to invade the Americas if they thought it would gain them the resources they need.

There’s no discernible pattern on how things will turn out. In my spirit, I sense that it won’t really matter. In my head, I suspect the political landscape will change so dramatically that we can’t possibly imagine it from where we are now.

What we can know is that conflict is coming, and there’s a fair chance that, for awhile at least, we can find some refuge in secession of the states. There is talk of a “soft” secession of de facto defiance, but that simply smooths the way for a hard one, delaying it for a while. I’m currently convinced this is how it will go, and I’m planning accordingly.

Don’t forget the factor of God’s hand bringing natural disasters. A big CME or micro-nova will change everything, along with pole shifts, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc. Our only real interest is the Lord’s glory, so we shouldn’t mind thinking about our demise coming in various ways. It’s just a matter of going Home sooner or later.


Update on prayer requests for the ministry: I’m still looking for a high volume printer, black-n-white only. I’m now also praying for a rowing machine, and maybe even a small watercraft for rowing, since my legs are toast.

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