How Globalism Is Like Communism

I’ve said in the past that globalism is communism. I was not referring to the active policy of how economics are handled. Actually, economics is not the whole story about communism. Rather, the primary moral flaw of communism is materialism in the extreme. If there is anyone who worships Mammon, it’s a socialist/communist.

Still, in the minds of many, it can miss my whole point: Communists are convinced that human nature is malleable. That’s a critical element in materialism. They are utterly certain that if you change the circumstances, humans will eventually adapt to communism and it will work. It’s part of that false doctrine that humans can discern ultimate reality without God, and make appropriate decisions without reference to the moral domain.

Thus, we can easily discern that the globalists have been expecting that their seizure of academia, entertainment and all media, should have turned humans into complete idiots. While that has happened to some degree, it is not a permanent change in human nature. Rather, it is catering to some flaw inherent in human nature. All that catering does not change what people are.

Globalists are expecting people to be irretrievably lost in sheeple-dom. They haven’t calculated for the few whose personality makes that impossible. They didn’t count on the persistence of people who think for themselves and resist social conditioning. They failed to realize that all their effort would would not gain them the high degree of compliance when they finally make their move to take over the world.

The resistance from Russia and China to the US hegemony is proof of this. Those two nations understand how the West (under US dominance) has chipped away at the smaller governments around the world. They have come to a clear grasp of how the US sent agents into the cultures and meddled in government affairs through manipulation and corruption. And these two giants have managed to resist that influence sufficiently to retain their own unique heritages.

But at the same time, within the US there remains a strong element of culture that refuses to be herded over the cliff. As the current economic depression continues, it will become the provocation for states to pull away from federal controls. The Union will dissolve, at least in the sense of big chunks pulling away. The globalists were counting on something that never existed, in that their expectation of turning everyone into sheeple permanently doesn’t work. Take away the hedonistic comforts and those sheeple grow teeth and claws.

Yes, we will have a severe depression, and it will last some years. However, the solution is so obvious no one has to write much about it: decentralize the economic system. It will happen because it’s unavoidable. People are going to eat if there is any way to get food. Artificial policies meant to control food won’t work when there is still access to fertile soil. Locking up that soil under centralized ownership will simply require that the people cease to honor the laws that protect that ownership. Fences built by humans won’t keep out humans when the pressure of survival gets strong enough.

Globalism is the same doctrine as communism in moral terms.

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