All Too Soon

If survival is your god, your prime directive, you will be disappointed to find that it is a powerless god whose blessings are altogether random. Survival in itself has no meaning. If your prime directive is the glory of our Creator, and survival is demoted to a mere variable, then your survival becomes meaningful only because it serves a divine purpose.

And when that purpose is complete, it’s time to go Home. You should be rejoicing about it when that day arrives. Over and over again: Human life is not precious simply because someone is alive. It becomes precious when God has a use for it. Otherwise it’s just a futile waste. When your life is lived outside of Biblical Law, it has no value.

Do you understand this? Do you realize that this world is slated for destruction, and that nothing mankind has accomplished will matter? When Christ returns to this earth, He will wipe away everything mankind has done to the earth, and restore it to what it was before Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit.

The only thing God is going to remember is what you did for His glory.

Right now, human life is just about as cheap as it ever has been in the eyes of TPTB. We have already entered an apocalypse. There is a symbolic conqueror running roughshod over the human race, and this conquering power has already released man-made diseases and man-made economic collapse. The slaughter has begun, and the blood will run high as a horse’s bridle. Perhaps not literally, but you get the picture.

As if these troubles are not enough, in about the next 25 years, nature itself is going to wipe out most of the human race. The sun is building up to a micro-nova. (Details can be found here.) Yes, humans will survive, but only a minority. That’s because this is not The End.

I’m not the only one who has already pointed out that certain things are missing for this to be The End of Time. The main ingredient lacking is the specific persecution of faith. The current globalist ruling regime doesn’t much care about faith; it’s just one of many hindrances to their plans, and it will be treated as such. When The End comes, human governments will ally together very specifically to crush faith. Their hatred for the gospel message will the only thing that brings them together. Right now, that’s not really much of an issue with our ruling class.

Thus, we need to give our thoughts to how we can keep the gospel alive such that, those who survive the disasters and the ice age that follows will have something they can cling to, something more than mere survival. They need to know the Word, not just in their heads, but in their hearts. We need to reintroduce the heart-led way.

Seeing that Our Lord is going to snuff out Western Civilization, in part for its many inherent sins, this is a good time to get out of it as best you can. Become the kind of person who does not depend on what Western Civ has accomplished. Step away from it. Use it, but be ready to throw it away when the time comes. Civilization is simply a very poor substitute for Biblical Law in the first place. The whole point of humans trying to build a civilization is to survive while ignoring God’s moral truth.

There’s not much time left.

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2 Responses to All Too Soon

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    There’s so many random unknowns that prepping for a specific thing would be too useless for most folks on a limited budget (nearly all of us). Prayer about it is really the only thing that could effectively guide what we should be doing.

  2. forrealone says:

    “Human life is not precious simply because someone is alive. It becomes precious when God has a use for it.” Amen to that, Brother. I fill myself with His Word, bask in the Glory of His Creation and share His Love to all I encounter. That is truly being ALIVE. (:^)

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