The Seasons of Oppression

As always, the path of Christian Mysticism excludes political activism. Rather, we seek to recognize what evil is coming our way so that we can watch the hand of God as He works His will. Our mission is to look for opportunities we can exploit to share the gospel as the situation changes.

I wrote recently that part of the purpose of the Catacomb Resident Blog was to serve as a tripwire. At what point does our government start paying attention to obscure religious writing with a very small readership? I saw the stats for that site; it was less than 100 hits daily. This should indicate the level of surveillance and the willingness of government to take action against all of us. That little blog also discouraged activism, but that was no protection. Thus, the government fell into the trap, revealing the depth of evil that drives it.

Take for example a recent analysis of the RESTRICT Act. It’s all part of the same fabric of oppression. It shows us the intentions of our evil government. If not this legislation, then something similar will be enacted regardless of political resistance. This is how they operate.

It serves no useful purpose to blame one political party or the other; no one in the US government represents the Covenant people. Both parties have been seeking a propaganda opportunity to push through this kind of control. Under the RESTRICT Act, just using a VPN to gain some privacy is enough to bring prosecution against nobodies like you and I.

On the one hand, this is purely political; it is not targeted persecution against faith. The whole point is to silence any dissent on any grounds. The dissent itself is their threat model. On the other hand, it amounts to silencing the gospel message, because they most certainly don’t believe in our God.

My point here is that believers need to prepare. This freight train will not stop until it crashes and destroys everything. Don’t stand on the tracks, fool. Recognize that the Internet we all use now is going to change dramatically this year, or perhaps the next year at the latest. You will not find any source of teaching, comfort and fellowship online. You will find the Internet transmitting only what the government likes. Both parties are working together on this.

Yes, there are proposals and possibilities to replace some networking functions, but nothing like what we have gotten used to. They all require special hardware, special operating systems that are not so easy to use, or present other difficulties. Only a relatively small segment of the population have the skills to use any of that stuff. Thus, computer networking outside of a LAN will become useless. On the other hand, government will require you use a smartphone to access all services and mandatory interactions with government, a smartphone that will come with surveillance of your every move.

For Radix Fidem folks, you need to be ready to stand alone in your faith, at least for a while. Our Lord will in due time bring souls into our family, but that takes awhile. The Lord works on His own schedule shaking people loose from their false idols. The tribulation we face will also polarize people; that’s how our God works.

Recognize the times, people.

Note: Russia is no better. Worse, in fact. People have been put in jail simply for saying on social media that the invasion was wrong. I am no friend of Russia.

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