Line in the Sands of Time

It’s time for another line-in-the-sand.

Pay attention when you read the Old Testament. You will notice: Every command from God under the Covenants assumes a tribal social structure. You cannot obey any of God’s Laws without it. As always, for Christians, the reality is symbolic of a higher standard. So that means when you come together in Christian fellowship, you are required by Christ to construct a spiritual tribal structure before you are permitted to call it “church.” In other words, for a church, DNA is not required, but the social structure is still the same.

There is no place in modern Western Civilization for recognizing this requirement. Try it, and every law of man will come against you. Satan hates it when we obey God, even if all we do is execute the mere worldly obedience to the Laws of God under Noah. The very foundation of the American judicial system, and all the assumptions, stated or unstated, condemn the tribal structure and lifestyle, as if it were the same as crime, moral turpitude, etc. When Western law speaks of “society” and it’s justified expectations, it’s just code language for the state as it dictates to the conscience of the citizen. “These are our social standards because we say so.” All this posturing from so-called Christian legal minds and philosophers, seeking to promote a society with no household larger than the “nuclear family” are just fools operating in the service of Satan.

No human on earth is under any moral obligation, or spiritual obligation, to give allegiance to such a government. There may be compelling tactical reasons for playing along, but in the end, obedience to God is rejecting the Modern State. It is only in the Modern State you would have some central authority proposing to force subjects to accept inoculations. Only the Modern State would make it a virtue to shield drug manufacturers from liability, because only the Modern State makes it so easy for those manufacturers to purchase laws favoring their corporate profit. Anyone in a tribal setting who tried to pull a stunt like this would be justly lynched by their tribe, the people of their own kin to whom they are responsible. Only in the Modern State can we imagine a barrier protecting the rulers from the ruled.

So let’s get this out, bluntly and in the open: I would encourage you, in the name of God Almighty, to refuse to cooperate with any further inoculation programs promoted by our secular government. In case you haven’t already realized it, let’s make sure you understand from here on out, there is no possible justification for the current programs other than profit. It has absolutely no grounds in genuine health needs, and those who insist otherwise are fools or clients of the profiting drug makers. It is too easy to find factual scientific studies debunking the official lies. The primary falsehood is the safety of these “medicines.” Most include poisons which serve no other purpose than convenience and profit of the manufacturer. I’ll bet you could find a lot of other links, yourself.

God is with you if you choose to resist.

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One Response to Line in the Sands of Time

  1. Benjamin says:


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