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Tag Archives: compsec
Be Not Dismayed
Do not fear; for I am with you; be not dismayed; for I am your God. I will make you strong; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10 … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged compsec, government, oppression, peace, propaganda, psychology, scripture, survival, targeted advertising, technology
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More Win10 Woes
This has nothing to do with whether you should run Windows on your PC or other device. I’m sharing these two items so that you’ll be aware and take appropriate action to maintain control over your computer, instead of letting … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged compsec, computers, technology, windows
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CompSec Note: DoJ Warrants and Licensed Software
Just a quick note for some of you to ponder. The DoJ is not happy that Apple has made changes so that search warrants to decrypt Apple devices may be impossible to execute. That is, Apple has intentionally made it … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged compsec, computers, government, law, oppression, resistance, technology
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Backup and Disperse
As noted previously, the issue with our virtual activities is control of the machine and control of data. If you can handle the challenge, I still say you should examine using Open Source software and operating systems because they have … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged compsec, computers, government, oppression, publishing, religion, resistance, technology, writing
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Sweet Nightmare
I was wide awake dreaming. I sat up in the bed and there at my feet was a TV. I hate TV. But I dreamed that it was on and I was watching the news. I kept dozing off and … Continue reading
Posted in fiction
Tagged Christian Zionists, compsec, government, internet, Modern Israel, Neocon Tag Team, oppression, propaganda, religion, resistance, war
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A Third Consideration
I can’t pretend my future clients will of necessity be any kind of believer. In that previous post where I offered a preview of some of my computer tech support curriculum — CompSec: Compartmentalization — I held back on an … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged compsec, computers, Debian Linux, evangelism, Kubuntu, technology
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Virtual Trust
For your sakes, I’m a little worried about something regarding Windows. First, let me remind you of the terminology: “telemetry” is the word for what your Windows computer sends to Microsoft for analysis. On the one hand, Windows collects a … Continue reading
Posted in computers
Tagged compsec, computer technology, government, internet, Microsoft, oppression, windows
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Testing Grounds Here
Your virtual pastor bears a shepherd’s compassion for computer stuff, of course. This is how we commune, so we have to make it as effective as we can, and that means helping people keep their computers healthy and secure. I’m … Continue reading
Already in Motion
Why does it feel like the calm before a storm? Like most of you, dear readers, I struggle at times with teaching my mind to follow the heart’s wisdom. When I wrote that piece yesterday on police training, I knew … Continue reading
Digital Scandal and Social Mythology
Divine justice is non-negotiable. Maybe you are aware of the big scandal involving a website known as “Ashley Madison.” The site is advertised as a means to engaging in adultery anonymously. There are plenty of such sites and services, but … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged Ashley Madison, compsec, computers, divine justice, human sexuality, internet, meat space, mysticism, social mythology, spirituality, technology, virtual space, western christians
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