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Tag Archives: globalism
Another Dose of Holy Cynicism
You aren’t cynical enough. Most of my readers will understand that globalism is a false religion. What some may not realize is that a great many globalist leaders are cynically using it for their own enrichment. In other words, the … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged globalism, oppression, war, WW3, Zionism
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Ready to Meet the Lord
It’s quite possible I’m just an idiot or madman, but if people keep discussing with me certain topics, they’re going to get what I believe is the answer to their questions. Start with the fundamental truth: Satan is the god … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged globalism, human government, Jews, neocons, Satan, The Cult, tribulation
The Shape of Things
Jeffrey Tucker presents a very perceptive review of the situation: Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns. I recommend reading it. He outlines how the globalists implemented their dreams of total control using the faux pandemic. It would be easy to … Continue reading
Faded Glory
Basic principle of human existence: A mighty army of evil is simply not possible. Every great military force in history stood on the firm conviction that they were a force for good. The argument comes in defining what is good … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged american empire, globalism, history, military, propagaganda
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Getting Closer
I found a very perceptive piece from David McGrogan on how the current globalist juggernaut is rooted in dependence. He refers to Machiavelli’s book The Prince as the first solid glimpse into the very nature of the secular state, something … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged biblical manhood, dependence, feudalism, game, globalism, independence, secular state
Getting Around It
The banking crisis is just another part of an ongoing, long-term plan of passive-aggressive conquest. From Paul Craig Roberts: To summarize, smaller conservative and prudent banks that invested in “safe” assets such as US Treasury bonds face bank runs. Larger … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged banking, Biblical Law, covenant, faith, globalism, internet, neocons, otherworldly, politics, wokism, Zionism
Just Keeping Track
Re: Bill Gates Plans for New Catastrophic Contagion The article starts off reminding readers that the murderous globalists have always telegraphed their moves, and they have already revealed their next move. The COVID scam was just the first run. It … Continue reading
Posted in globalism
Tagged globalism, government conspiracies, oppression, propaganda, tribulation
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How Satan Rules
I suppose I need to clarify some of the question of who is doing what. As with Catacomb Resident, I say that Jewish people are not the real problem. If Jews were wiped out, Satan would simply raise up a … Continue reading
War Dogs Howling
It’s not a secret that I live very close to a major military facility. Tinker AFB is one of the premier military aircraft maintenance facilities in the world, not just the US. If the Russians and/or China have any kind … Continue reading