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Tag Archives: government policy
We Testify of His Glory
For me, it’s not enough to say simply that tribulation is coming. In order for me to effectively testify of Christ and His Covenant, I will need to discern whatever I can about how things will happen. To the degree … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged economic troubles, government policy, Monroe Doctrine, multipolar world, politics, tribulation
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Another Look at Expectations
Aside from the broad political and economic threats to life here in the US, there is a raft of other moves to make us miserable. You are probably aware of the various Green cult efforts to reduce human population. There … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged economic troubles, globalists, government policy, oppression, politics, tribulation, Zionism
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Tools in the Box 01
I had written something else entirely, but decided it wasn’t the message for today. I’ve noted this before: The federal government has officially listed me as a cult leader and terrorist. The only reason they have not taken me into … Continue reading
Immoral Collusion: Church-n-State
I’m not sure what to make of this — Churches Are Paying the Gov’t up to $100 a Month to Spy on Families! As one comment said, this is kind of the “hair-on-fire” stuff we see all the time. I … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged church politics, family, government policy, oppression, propaganda
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Friday Extra: We Call It “Solipsism”
It’s a tough game when you apply individual psychological assessments to whole nations. But if I offered you a government document and asked you to read the tone via standard psychological assessments, you’d get the idea. It’s not as if … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged government, government policy, idolatry, oppression, propaganda, psychological assessments, psychology, war
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A Christian Heart Is Deeply Cynical
On the one hand, rational objectivity is a myth. It’s a myth in the one most important sense that you’ll never see evidence of it when humans make decisions on behalf of others, that thing we call “government policy.” The … Continue reading