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Tag Archives: kingdom of heaven
NT Doctrine — 1 Peter 2
It’s easy to miss what Peter is saying here if you keep reading your western evangelical biases back into the words. He calls for his Hebrew Christian readers to stop acting the way Pharisees taught them to act. It was … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Apostle Peter, cynicism, Jesus the Messiah, Judaism, kingdom of heaven, living in the spirit, Pharisaism, spiritual awakening
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NT Doctrine — Hebrews 8
It is critical here that we read this passage with a Hebrew mind, for it refers to Hebrew Scripture and oral lore. As noted in the previous chapter, the covenant under which Melchizedek served was the original covenant of faith … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged faith, Hebrew epistemology, Hebrews, human capabilities, kingdom of heaven, the Covenant of Moses
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Miracle Growth
I’m often amazed at how people often operate on false assumptions about the gospel message. The Kingdom of Heaven is a kingdom of (a) the Elect who (b) aspire to live by the Covenant of Christ. Election was completed before … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged celibacy, divine election, evangelism, kingdom of heaven, martyrdom, otherworldly
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In Christ
Most people choke on Ephesians 1:3-14. It’s very dense, and frankly not good writing. People either gloss over it or get bogged down in the precise meaning of the grammar. One of the biggest issues for debate is trying to … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged divine election, Elohim Council, human government, kingdom of heaven, Michael S. Heiser, the Devil
American versus Christian
Yeah, what he said. If you consider yourself a patriot, loyal to the people of America, then you are a fool for believing the government can be restored to the people. Lincoln lied when he suggested the federal government was … Continue reading
Get to Know Him
I’m investing in the future for my tribe. I know going into this that I will not see the fruit of the harvest, but my appointed task is to plow the ground and plant seeds. God says to me that … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, covenant family, Eternity, kingdom of heaven, otherworldly, worldliness
Trying to Please Him
Look at the logic of it. Think about what’s bundled into the reasoning people offer; seek to understand the a priori assumptions they refuse to discuss or reconsider. Keep asking “why” until you get to the basic assumptions. God will … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged faith, human government, individual faith, kingdom of heaven, moral boundaries, nonconformist, oppression
Western Idolatries 03
God does not dwell in houses made by human hands. He is a spirit being whose existence is rooted in a different dimension. His is the original, the true “reality” and ours is the fallen illusion. You can touch His … Continue reading
Children of Heaven
It’s all about building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. You are a citizen of His Kingdom, a child of His household. This is a feudal covenant. He is Your Lord and Father; your life new belongs to Him. All … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged covenant community of faith, faith, feudal obligations, Garden of Eden, kingdom of heaven, rationalism
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Pray for the Lord to Build His Church
Let’s think about this so we’ll know how to pray. The imperative of Creation is to reflect God’s glory. Don’t ask who the audience is; that’s missing the point. His glory must shine — period. In the Fall, some other … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged covenant community of faith, Judaizers, kingdom of heaven, New Testament, old testament, otherworldly, radix fidem, tribalism
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