Tag Archives: law

Yakking About Racism

Like anything else, if there’s money to be made, the problem will never be solved. Yes, I’ve faced racial prejudice. I’ve been subjected to mistreatment because of my race. I’ve been physically attacked for the color of my skin. I’m … Continue reading

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Dehumanizing Charity

It’s possible to kill your neighbor by feeding him when he’s hungry. That is, in the sense you dehumanize and enslave him without actually making things any better. In biblical morality, simply preserving life is not a good moral value. … Continue reading

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Biblical Morality: Chapter 13

What Do You Expect? We stand ever ready to offer God’s truth. A critical part of the reason God leaves us here is so that we can reveal His moral character. Yes, that starts with the gospel message, but it … Continue reading

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Quantum Morality

Refer to the previous blog posts on Quantum Reality, and on the Psychology of Hearing from God. Christian Mystics are facing multiple conflicting streams of consciousness. It’s worse if you haven’t been at it long, because you are still dragging … Continue reading

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Biblical Morality: Chapter 12

Tribal Economy You cannot gain economic efficiency without denying God. There are lots of good moral reasons for doing things that make no economic sense. Living the otherworldly tribal life in this world doesn’t mean we don’t understand economics as … Continue reading

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Personal PsyOps

Except as a war tactic, head games are sin. It’s a broad general principle that attempting deception opens the door for demonic presence. It violates cosmic justice. However, just putting the Laws of God into any human language can itself … Continue reading

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Biblical Morality: Chapter 8

In the Context With our feet firmly planted in eternity, we live in the moment, in the context, but we do not deify the context. Our divine Sheikh does not reside in this universe. He can reach into our world … Continue reading

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Biblical Morality: Chapter 4

Boundaries “Brother, without hesitation, my life for yours. I’ll never stab you in the back, but that doesn’t mean I won’t cut your heart out if you betray my trust.” Had David held that attitude with his cousin Joab, the … Continue reading

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Biblical Morality: Chapter 2

His Call Our Divine Sheikh owns us. You have to wipe away the idiocy of thinking you could possibly be free. That’s a myth peculiar to the West. All living beings are accountable to someone else, and eventually we are … Continue reading

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Biblical Morality: Intro

This is the first post on the next project, a book tentatively called “Biblical Morality.” Introduction Writing it is well nigh impossible. There is no human language able to bear the load: How rich is the opportunity we have to … Continue reading

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