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Tag Archives: materialism
God Is Tired
The headlines are blaring this morning: Trump will send American troops to Gaza and cleanse the land of Palestinians! That’s not exactly what Trump said, of course, but it does reflect the shocking words and actions of our President. The … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged economic troubles, economics, human conflict, materialism, Monroe Doctrine, otherworldly, peace, sanity, the Devil, worldliness
Don’t Celebrate Hatred
If you need a human explanation of the case of the murder of the healthcare insurance CEO, try this. Do you realize that the reason the healthcare insurance industry exists is because the medical provider bigshots didn’t want to be … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged Anglo-American culture, economic troubles, materialism, tribulation
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Imprecatory Prayer Targets
Sorry for the delay in posting this; I had computer issues today. There is a place for imprecatory prayer. It requires understanding that your first and highest loyalty is to Christ. You must absorb the kind of thinking that identifies … Continue reading
Posted in prayer
Tagged Biblical Mysticism, Deep State, imprecatory prayer, materialism, Nephilim, Operation Northwoods, western civilization, western epistemology
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Thesis on Human Folly
Sometime back in my college days I adopted the thesis that western governments are pathologically incapable of doing the right thing. It came at the conclusion of our massive course, Western Civilization History and Literature. We were required to turn … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged AI, fallen nature, literature, materialism, military training, political power, wargaming, western civilization
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Biblical Feudalism 04
If this study is not already challenging enough, it gets even more difficult the farther up the path you go. The question becomes, “What shall we do when…?” Again, I cannot decide what is right for you. I have a … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged America, covenant, Islam, Jewish identity, materialism, politics, secularism, threat model, war
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No Boats to Float
If you are among those who think American libertarian theory is from the Bible, you are going to choke on this. The fundamental law of Creation itself is reflected in the Covenant of Moses. Not that Moses is that law, … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged communism, economic theory, God's wrath, Jubilee, materialism, mysticism, otherworldly, political theory
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GOP Lawsuit versus Google
This is going to fail: RNC Sues Google over Email Spam Filters. Let’s start with my background. I used to be a registered Republican voter, and somewhat activist, many years ago. I remain sympathetic to conservative policies simply because that … Continue reading
Heaven’s Preppers 01
Don’t be a Prepper of the typical sort; be a Heavenly Prepper. I’d be the last person to say we won’t face persecution for our faith. However, I want to stand at the front of the line warning you that … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged covenants, curses and blessings, economics, Law of Moses, materialism, persecution, preppers, tribulation
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The Mystical Faith Restoration
The Puritans who fled persecution in England moved to the Netherlands for a decade until they could gather enough resources to move to America. During that stay, they were harassed by the Dutch government, which was harshly secular then and … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged american churches, christian mysticism, history, Judaism, materialism, middle class, otherworldly, Pharisaical Hellenism, Puritans, radix fidem, worldliness
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Child Trafficking Is a Western Problem
Teach your children about heart-led moral truth. There are some who say the current political regime in the USA has accomplished great things. On the list of victories they cite is a huge number of “child trafficking” prosecutions. It’s a … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged child trafficking, cynicism, epistemology, human sexuality, law, materialism, pedophilia, philosophy, pornography, religion
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